Writing And Singing

JAN. 9, 1981, 6:21 AM

We shall talk of these two manifestations of the self as spiritual… today, o son, as the morning commences. You do each uniquely and well, but not well enough to gain a livelihood therefrom. Each is an adjunct to and a special expression of your teaching vocation or mission. This is an important perspective for you to maintain.

Any language has some words that make up a vocabulary. The writer is one who can use and arrange these words to communicate the meaning of each, but a meaning beyond each individual word. That one who has a ministry as a writer arranges words in such ways that spiritual messages ring forth… and the spirits of readers are awakened to growth and, even, to some aspects of enlightenment. Sometimes the writer intends this and works to achieve such results. In others it simply comes forth as an expression of the writers own spirit. In these where conscious effort is not involved it may be accidental or, more frequently, just the expression of a spirit with a gift… a developed gift.

“Developed” is an important concept, for few are the writers who excite and touch the spirits of readers who have not written in previous lives nor have not practiced this or comparable expressions in realms other than the earth. Oh, occasionally a well-developed soul will begin to write, where opportunities or inclinations were not available or were not realized previously. Usually there is some brilliance displayed, but amidst many amateurish expressions. But everything (except Me) has to begin sometime. Those who are of developed spirit but new to writing usually are aware of their shortcomings, but know that some beginning is necessary.

The Bible is the story of Me that I like best. Other stories give other insights, but, generally, are expansions of truth expressed initially or best in the Bible. No writer who desires to affect the spirits of readers should neglect reading of My Word. Read it not as a critic, but as one who seeks… in order that later words written may have qualities and capacities not possible otherwise.

He or she who sings expresses life in another medium, which also can affect the spirits of hearers. Most singers must have what people in their culture consider a “good voice”… though I must quickly add that there are some whose spirits speak through quite unorthodox vocal cords. There are three aspects of spirit with which the singer is involved: the spirit in the words of the song, the spirit in the music, and the spirit in each rendition or performance. When the singer has composed the words and music they become all of one piece, but not necessarily of highest quality. You may be able to bring forth more spirit through a song than can its author. A change of tempo or of actual notes may achieve more than the original… as may some modification of words.

JAN. 9, 1981, 6:21 AM

We shall talk of these two manifestations of the self as spiritual… today, o son, as the morning commences. You do each uniquely and well, but not well enough to gain a livelihood therefrom. Each is an adjunct to and a special expression of your teaching vocation or mission. This is an important perspective for you to maintain.

Any language has some words that make up a vocabulary. The writer is one who can use and arrange these words to communicate the meaning of each, but a meaning beyond each individual . . .

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