TUES., JAN. 26, 1999, 6:56 AM

The culture of which you are a part has become relatively dependent on computers, large and small. You have not personally become part of this “march of progress”, and I have not urged this upon you. Oh, I would have no objections to your becoming “literate” in this sometimes convenience, but it is not a matter of urgency. I just note that the time saved is often exceeded by the time spent in inconsequential “browsing”.

(7:06 / 7:08) Some of you, even some who have concerns for the spirit as an important dimension of health, feel that I am quite supportive of computers and all that these represent in “modern life”. Oh, few feel that I am directly responsible for this valuable “tool”, but, rather, assume that, with My gift of human intelligence and creativity, I have allowed “the computer age”, with at least some blessing. They do make life easier in several ways.

Others, however, would admit that I have allowed this technological development but more as a test of spirit. Having become dependent on machines with what is now recognized as an inherent defect can you “modern” humans adapt to the situations that shall arise at the end of the century – which is at the end of this year, now?

You, as a relative “oldster” are not directly dependent on computers, consciously in your life. Yet you realize that some… even much… that you depend upon in your modern life, many malfunction, before and at the year 2000. This is not a pleasant thought, but you just assume you will be able to adapt, sufficiently. There is no sense in worrying about potential disasters and hardships. There is nothing you can do to hasten the necessary changes or prevent what may come.

It is not important for you to know what “part” I have played… and am playing… in this “drama”. I have told you often that I am involved in much that goes on in this earth scene. I could have prevented this, but I didn’t. Therefore there must be some “good” that shall come with this potential mess.

Of course, there are some simple cultures in this earth that shall be minimally affected. They are relatively independent in their simplicity and in their different ecosystems. Some do not even aspire to “progress” when this includes the price of dependence. You have some of this spirit, even as you are comfortably appreciative of the culture that makes this possible, one of diversity.

You are mildly interested in this technological-economic “challenge” that shall come as this year proceeds. You probably will stock up on some food and…, but you won’t be as committed to his necessity as son John Patrick is. You’ll count on Me to guide you in this, and I shall, as I think best. For know that… however the next year develops, caused by whatever and whoever, it will be a spiritual challenge with much potential for spiritual growth.

There is truth in the concept that without modern technology, based in computer capabilities, the earth cannot support even the present human population in healthy life. Yet modern technology also saves and prolongs lives, and… thus… My dilemma, as the One who considers the earth to be a unique realm for the enhancement of spirit, which is the final purpose of life, anyway. Ah, Me…

I am counting on the human ingenuity and skills that is responsible for “modern life” to “solve this problem”. Oh, there are a few prayers coming to Me, even now, for My help… and I expect quite an increase as the next year arrives. Just know that I have minimal interest in the “fixing” of this mistake in human judgment, but have much interest in the display of positive spirit that can and shall come with the year ahead.

TUES., JAN. 26, 1999, 6:56 AM

The culture of which you are a part has become relatively dependent on computers, large and small. You have not personally become part of this “march of progress”, and I have not urged this upon you. Oh, I would have no objections to your becoming “literate” in this sometimes convenience, but it is not a matter of urgency. I just note that the time saved is often exceeded by the time spent in inconsequential “browsing”.

(7:06 / 7:08) Some of you, even some who have concerns for the spirit as . . .

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