Ye Did Not Choose Me…

MAR. 24, 1981, 5:51 AM

You tested Me, o son… in a sense… for you felt the need for a communication, but did not set the alarm. I had said you need not do this, and so you trusted Me. You are not only here at this early time, but heard the theme even before you were out of bed. Even when your night is short, trust Me to arouse you if it is time for a teaching.

Ye did not choose Me, but I chose you… Consider, this day, some implications of this Truth. It is I, the Spirit, acting as the Evangel of God the Father, who take the initiative to draw certain persons to Me, that the Kingdom might continue and prevail. It is true that God as Father is one aspect of God Almighty, Who can never be limited by any circumscribed aspect of being. God as Father is an important manifestation, yet, as I also have shared with you before, can one nature of God be called important, implying that others are less important or even unimportant? Not really. God as Father chooses you and calls you, even in this tangible way of this morning. You have tasks to do, and I come to you to communicate these to you and encourage (motivate) you toward their accomplishment. If this sounds as though I am a health educator, so let it be.

Now, you should know My thinking well enough to know that My choosing you is not in contrast with your choosing of Me, but in concert with it. No one serves Me well who does not choose Me, and where the initiative is… is unimportant. Suffice it to say that I am involved… and, aha, you see an apparent incongruity with the title I suggested. It is not a statement of exclusion, as it appears to be. Rather, it is a statement of emphasis, with the apparent opposite being not untrue, but just another emphasis.

You know of the most obvious one of these truisms in the Scriptures. One Gospel writer says, Jesus speaking, “He who is not against Me is for Me.” In another Gospel I, as Jesus say, “He who is not for Me is against Me.” One is not true and the other false, but each is a facet of truth that has significance in certain situations. So it is with “Ye did not choose Me…”

My taking the initiative is not a limiting statement in relation to you… but a freeing and enabling one. If you had absolutely no desire to relate to Me, I suppose it could be seen in a negative light… this statement of election. But to anyone who desires to learn from Me, to commune with Me, to serve Me, it is a statement of positive affirmation. Yes, it is like unto a civic election. If a person desires to serve as a councilman, senator, representative… or whatever, she or he can only do it fully when the people say, in election, “We have chosen you.”

MAR. 24, 1981, 5:51 AM

You tested Me, o son… in a sense… for you felt the need for a communication, but did not set the alarm. I had said you need not do this, and so you trusted Me. You are not only here at this early time, but heard the theme even before you were out of bed. Even when your night is short, trust Me to arouse you if it is time for a teaching.

Ye did not choose Me, but I chose you… Consider, this day, some implications of this Truth. It . . .

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