Yes And No

SUN., MAR. 7, 1993, 6:10 AM

I continue to prepare and energize you for this next writing task. You probably should do your family Christmas letter first, but Our missive should be out before you return to classroom duties. You can do it. It’s just a matter of discipline, and you still have some of that.

You see, I’m trying to help you retain some balance in your communication with people. Your dominant motivation in relation to writing now is what could be called laid-back… very little compulsion. I keep after you in relation to these Teachings, and fortunately you find them challenging and enjoyable… but so would other writing tasks. You just have lost most of your earlier drive.

What I’m saying, in relation to Our coming theme is that it can be good to be both laid back and pressed to complete some task, as you did the manuscript review. Both/and is balance at its best, and balance is a very important feature of any life, but most surely of yours. This often includes a balancing of behaviors, thoughts, and motivations that appear to be opposites, but are better seen as complementary.

You son John Patrick’s suggestion/proposal (and which was it?) that there be a Foundation established to make more use of these Teachings and of Mabel’s messages and writings is a good illustration of this premise of Mine that I am recommending. You know that you feel both/and, yes and no about more publicity to these Teachings of Mine to you. You write the four Ruminations a year easily, but you have reluctance about sending them to some people. This proposed idea fulfills one fantasy of yours, but also tends to “bring you out of the closet,” where you may be “reviled and persecuted for My sake,” by both those who have different Christian paths, and those who think they have no path at all. Ponder this for a time, but know that eventually it should happen.

You really would have to think both/and if Mabel’s writings and perspective’s were included. You and Mabel both are sincere, dedicated, and called Christians, but your paths are different, and what I tell each of you differs somewhat. Putting these together would symbolize “How great Thou art” rather than “there is only One way”… and, actually, both of these are true. You may not be ready for such a “union”, and you’ll have to decide how to deal with this possibility.

As you get back to the study of Peter’s virtue book it shall be right for you to object to some of what he writes, especially as he dogmatically claims a “right interpretation” which is different from yours. I encourage you to read this with a both/and spirit, trying to understand his position, trying to be sure you know what yours is, and then honestly comparing these. And… in the midst of trying also attain a balance with not trying. Just sit back and let Me help. Trying, as an absolute virtue, is much over-rated.

SUN., MAR. 7, 1993, 6:10 AM

I continue to prepare and energize you for this next writing task. You probably should do your family Christmas letter first, but Our missive should be out before you return to classroom duties. You can do it. It’s just a matter of discipline, and you still have some of that.

You see, I’m trying to help you retain some balance in your communication with people. Your dominant motivation in relation to writing now is what could be called laid-back… very little compulsion. I keep after you in relation . . .

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