Yes, I Am, Gideon’s God

WED., JUNE 25, 1997, 8:29 AM

As you and your faithful morning group slog through Judges you have some questions about Me, as Jehovah, the God of the 12 tribes of Israel. I, as Holy Spirit, was not mentioned in the Scriptural story, but of course I was a part of the scenes about which you are reading. Gideon was one of the chosen ones in this part of the saga, and I gave him a long life despite the battles and other dangers he faced in doing My Will. So I say that I was Gideon’s God as I am now your God, and the Creator, Sustainer, and, even, Destroyer of all life, including human.

As Richard suggested this morning it is easy and tempting to perceive Me in your cultural (even sub-cultural) setting… and to feel that this perception is the “real” one, and quite an improvement over earlier ones, even from Holy Scripture. Some of these that are part of the Biblical story were close to Me, as were some who actually wrote the Scripture… even those who decided what would be Scripture.

Yet hear ye these Truths. No human, no matter how close to Me and how definitely chosen he or she was or is, can know Me fully and completely. (Even being able to discern what is good and what is evil is but a small step toward understanding.) Also, I have no need to be consistent with the “standards” of your, or any, culture. I can act when, where, how, and with whom I choose. Finally, Holy Scripture is a wonderful guide to living and believing, but it is not magical in answering all questions that arise nearly 2,000 years after it was written, for your culture… and the many others that I now see on this small, but important, planet.

I cause, and I allow. “That’s all there is.” I assured Gideon that he would be successful in a number of battles. Most of the skirmishes that have occurred in your lifetime have been ones that I’ve jut allowed, being able to see good coming from victory by either “side.” You have observed, rightly, that more than 50 years after World War II (“your war”) your then enemies – Germany, Italy, and Japan – are now strong allies of your country… and even Russia, your Cold Warm opponent, is also part of this coalition of peaceful strength. Will this continue? It could, for I do favor peace… but good also comes out of conflict and combat.

I don’t seem to have much to say, in Holy Scripture, about the present clash between the health of the environment and jobs for people so that they can participate in a growing, producing economy. I see good in people being able to work and to have income beyond basic needs. I see good in babies being born and increasing the population, because deaths can be effectively postponed. But I also see good in environmental conditions that help cause premature deaths, including the resurgence of viruses and bacteria that shorten human lives.

You have no exact way of knowing what I cause and what I allow, because I don’t have to meet your cultural standards for “good” and “evil.” Everything is subject to My control, but I mostly choose to let conditions develop as they will, without Me as an active factor. I was not a better or a worse God for Gideon that I am for you.

By your present Western standards, if they applied in Gideon’s time, I should be brought up before a World Court, as someone more destructive than Pol Pot. I killed many more than he did… to benefit Israel… who then turned away from Me. Would I submit to such a charge? Silly question.

I allowed the Oklahoma City bombing, but how many other potential disasters have I prevented? I blessed the conception, birth, and life of Samson, giving him incredible strength. He couldn’t keep his secret… or did I give Delilah powers she didn’t naturally have? He was blinded and imprisoned, but then I gave him the opportunity to avenge his mistreatment, killing more people than he had accomplished as a warrior… but including himself. His God-given strength brought about retribution but also death for him.

WED., JUNE 25, 1997, 8:29 AM

As you and your faithful morning group slog through Judges you have some questions about Me, as Jehovah, the God of the 12 tribes of Israel. I, as Holy Spirit, was not mentioned in the Scriptural story, but of course I was a part of the scenes about which you are reading. Gideon was one of the chosen ones in this part of the saga, and I gave him a long life despite the battles and other dangers he faced in doing My Will. So I say that I was Gideon . . .

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