Yes, I Awoke You…

SUN., NOV. 21, 1999, 5:40 AM

You realized, last evening, that you had come to Me only twice in this week, past, and that, though this is the first day of a new week it would still “count,” in terms of reading these to Lenore. It was a busy week, and you started “on schedule,” but… Oh, well, here you are, as you sorta promised to be, if I would awaken you at an appropriate time. So I did.

The football season is over, here in this university. This last game was a fine one for your team and its coaches. It was not a truly winning season, by wins and losses, but it was a final victory, by an unexpected margin. But your coach, Jan, now voices thoughts about not continuing, as a head coach, at least. This reminds you of your decision, now 48 years ago. (48 is a familiar number, now isn’t it?!)

After your first year as a head varsity football coach you decided, with Lenore’s help, that this was not to be the career for you, and you wisely “moved on,” after a fine third championship track team, toward the career which “was waiting for you.” You realized you were not a good loser (were actually quite a poor loser), that Lenore did not wish to be a coach’s wife (particularly the wife of one who might lose often), and as you looked forward to having a family, you saw coaching as a kind of competitor.

Then came the Stanford experience, with some experience in university teaching, and you saw another future. Yet you returned to Punahou and had some more teaching and coaching experiences at that level now with two little boys of your own. You did have a championship junior team, and you were happy to just “help out” as someone else won track championships. The experiences of those two years were good for your career, you realize, and, in effect, they completed your coaching career in a fine fashion.

It was good that you had it… and you see now how this desire made your first job possible, “arranged” for your meeting and winning Lenore (the true victory of 1951!), and set the stage for your Stanford doctorate, necessary for the career you finally would have. (This degree was one final “clincher” for the position here, where your “best career” would flower.)

You realize now, of course, that I have been leading you (even to awakening you on this dark, cool morning) in this good life that you’ve had… and enjoyed. It was late in your second Stanford experience that I started you on this path to early morning adventures with Me, but you were then “too busy,” with both home and university responsibilities…and I needed you to be a better, more experienced writer. So, though you consider that your first born-again experience was there, in Menlo Park/Stanford, it was still to be several more years until I called you to this special, close, friend to Friend relationship.

I “did it” in a way that “hooked” you, and it became, in a surprisingly short time, a “holy, spiritual addiction” – a positive one if there ever was one. Now you have relatively few continuing responsibilities, but you are being slowed by the condition called aging. Yes, you do have a Ruminations to compose and send out, hopefully before the New Year. Your life would be better with a bit more organization and at least a modicum of discipline. But not having had the human experience of aging, as God, as Jesus, or as Holy Spirit, I can’t honestly tell you how best to overcome and to live happily with this last portion of this earth life.

SUN., NOV. 21, 1999, 5:40 AM

You realized, last evening, that you had come to Me only twice in this week, past, and that, though this is the first day of a new week it would still “count,” in terms of reading these to Lenore. It was a busy week, and you started “on schedule,” but… Oh, well, here you are, as you sorta promised to be, if I would awaken you at an appropriate time. So I did.

The football season is over, here in this university. This last game was a fine one for your . . .

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