Yes, I Do Choose

SAT., JAN. 9, 1993, 6:33 AM

One of the silliest notions, turned into a theological principle, is that humans have complete free will. That would mean that I, as the Creator God, did craft this whole earth scene, with its many wondrous relationships and interactions, and then I retired to “someplace.” Never again would I do more than hope and yearn for humans to act in desirable ways. My Will and way would be at the mercy of My perfectly imperfect humans. As you know, there are numerous science fiction stories that portray the robotic creation as overcoming the creator.

Son, this is just not the way it is or has been. How can anyone read the Holy Scriptures and come away with any conclusion other than that I choose, I elect, I predestine?

I chose Abraham. I chose Jacob. I chose Moses. I chose David. I chose each of the prophets. I chose John, who baptized Me and announced Me, as Jesus. I chose each of the disciples, and there is no record of any turning Me down… or even taking time to think about alternatives. I chose Paul in a very dramatic way and guided him in his establishment of churches and in his writing of letters that became Holy Scripture. And I have continued to choose, to elect, and to predestine humans to this very moment.

Yet I do not choose and predestine every one. I love each one that is of My creation, and when some of these come to Me I do guide and direct them in various ways. I hear the prayers of each one, no matter how wayward she has been. Oh, it is a fascinating amalgam, this human scene.

I can be very gentle. I can be very tough… and every shade in between. Remember, always, that the fundamental purpose of human life is spiritual growth. I like some cathedrals, but I also like sand castles molded by young, artless hands. I am very little concerned with the political, economic, and other machinations of human societies except as these act to affect the spiritual development of some individuals. Your culture both encourages and discourages spiritual growth. The Church itself serves this dual role.

Yes, My Body, the Church of Jesus Christ has many parts, many manifestations. The extremes are rigid, but some of these are liturgical and others very free flowing… but still rigid. Those in the middle are wishy washy about many issues, with much forgiveness and acceptance of diversity. And, you see, I call many to energize each of these many Body Parts. Many years ago I called Mabel, your mother-in-law, to serve as a special means by which I speak to persons in spiritual need. She is most comfortable in a Pentecostal setting, with its focus on sin and sins, and its requirement of spontaneous testimonies and responses to Me and My Word.

Your son Michael was called to an orthodox tradition, one rich in liturgy, icons, and traditions. You are called to be a Presbyterian, one who recognizes and accepts My call and your predestination, and one impressed beyond measure with grace and forgiveness. Need I go on?

The notion of equal “treatment” of all by Me would be quite appropriate if I had no plan for earth life, no standards, and no Way. It also would be fine if all souls were “brand new,” with no previous experiences toward development. But I have a great love for diversity. You can’t look at My created world and easily deny such an affirmation.

SAT., JAN. 9, 1993, 6:33 AM

One of the silliest notions, turned into a theological principle, is that humans have complete free will. That would mean that I, as the Creator God, did craft this whole earth scene, with its many wondrous relationships and interactions, and then I retired to “someplace.” Never again would I do more than hope and yearn for humans to act in desirable ways. My Will and way would be at the mercy of My perfectly imperfect humans. As you know, there are numerous science fiction stories that portray the robotic creation as . . .

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