Yes, I Do Send…

FRI., OCT. 25, 1996, 7:09 AM

Yes, o son, I do “send” some people to meet you, and be part of your “spiritual group”. Some will be quite interested in what We do together. Others will be more attracted to your personality and the way you are with people. (Fortunately for you, it is not a universal attraction. You will attract no great crowd of learners or seekers.) This will continue to happen during the rest of this year, and then will continue on, in other “forms”, into retirement.

Gerrett is a nice young man, one you let into the class because of his “story” and his appearance. You remind him of his Grandpa. He likes and respects you, and was really hurt when he thought you suspected him of cheating. He had enough spirit to come to you and “share his pain”… and you assured him you hadn’t suspected his apparent actions. Your spirit met his, and it was a good “meeting”. Explore with him a bit more… in relation to the nurturing of his spirit.

Then came Priya. This was an even more special encounter, for both of you. I gave you the idea of a conversation with her, in the class this next week, as a way of exposing these graduate learners to more of your spirit, as well as hers. I am the Holy Spirit of the Lord God and also One with Jesus the Christ – the Christian God. Yet I also am involved in other religions, faiths, and spiritual groups. I am not as exclusive as the Holy Scriptures seem to represent. (At least they can be interpreted in exclusive ways.) I love diversity. I created, sustain, and am responsible for all that is, here in the earth.

Wherever and however humans seek Me I can respond. I appreciate human spirit, however it is expressed. Here’s the both/and concept again: I am both the Holy Spirit in the Christian Trinity AND Spirit manifested in myriad ways by those in other traditions and modes, some older and some more recent than your Christian heritage.

You’re finding Priya to be one with a special spirit, and, yes, she is one I have guided to you, for your mutual benefit. She is different from Lynda, but they already seem to have a budding spiritual friendship. You can be a “special teacher” to each of them, and they can help make this last full-time year even more pleasant and enriching.

Next week you anticipate having some time with Mark, another special young person I sent your way. Reread his letter to you, and be ready to talk with him, at length if possible, about the experiences he now is having. Trust Me to guide you in guiding him. He continues to be a special one, and he needs your encouragement.

What should you expect in this reunion of your old football team? Of course I could tell you, but I’ll just say… be aware, for there may be opportunities among one or more of these old men. Remember that you twice won that Sugarman trophy for spirit and scholarship. You have exhibited both in your life, and now the spirit should be the most evident.

As you look out today, and as you recreate in your mind/spirit the picture of the foliage you experience between here and Carbondale I want you to recall My servant Bernie’s story of the leaves. They have all been green and quite similar since the late Spring. Now there are many colors and shades. Leaves have hidden these colors, but now, before they fall, they display them… and dare to be different.

FRI., OCT. 25, 1996, 7:09 AM

Yes, o son, I do “send” some people to meet you, and be part of your “spiritual group”. Some will be quite interested in what We do together. Others will be more attracted to your personality and the way you are with people. (Fortunately for you, it is not a universal attraction. You will attract no great crowd of learners or seekers.) This will continue to happen during the rest of this year, and then will continue on, in other “forms”, into retirement.

Gerrett is a nice young man, one you . . .

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