Yes, I Was There, And…

WED., AUG. 28, 1996, 8:42 AM

I also am here with you, and am as much interested in the quality of life as I was in these stories in Acts. It is quite “fashionable” in most Christian churches in your culture to acknowledge Me and to call on Me for help of various sorts, but there are few affirmations like unto these of these early disciples… as the Church began to form. They felt My presence, My power, and My capacities in helping, and they acknowledged, rather directly, the assistance I gave.

So… I say I am just as active in these times, but few are the acknowledgements I get. You are your best example. I have been teaching and counseling you, toward enlightenment, for now over 17 years, but rarely do you tell of this persistent Holy action. There are others, just as aware, in relation to different actions, who are equally mum about My help in their lives. Culture is powerful, and it is skeptical. And… I don’t insist.

Having said that, I do want to urge you, now that your semester is organized and going along, to try, at least, to establish a relationship with Neale… another sort of “conversation”. He is one who has heard directly from Me, as God, and you should be interested more in the similarities among the Teachings than in the few points of apparent disharmony. You also should call and talk with Andy. She needs encouragement that you can uniquely give her. She is “down” now, but she could reestablish contact with Me. Oh, it would be pleasing to Me if she would complete her degree and continue contributions somewhat like those you have made, but that sort of “success” is not crucial to Me.

You could have been just as important a servant of Mine if you had continued your career as a junior high teacher and coach. You (and I) selected the better path for your life, but following this path meant that many young boys missed your guidance and enthusiasm for life. You did the “right thing”, but other paths would not have been “wrong”. Oh, if you had gone to business school… that would have been a wasted path, from My perspective… and I helped you see that before you veered in that direction.

I’m pleased that you indicated to Regina that this is to be your last year of full-time teaching… the year of retirement. You realize that your only “real” reason for wobbling on that decision is your low-level apprehension about finances, and you further realize that this represents a blatant lack of faith in Me. I have assured you that I shall provide all that you need, and a bit more, so you have to trust that I am as resourceful as I was in this Acts story. My ways are many. And I want more of your time and attention. You have enjoyed quite an above-average career, and you should move on while you’re still vigorous and effective. You should look forward to a somewhat different path, starting next Fall.

I have used the term “off-ramp”, which implies a movement away from the rapid flow of traffic into something less fast-moving and demanding. Consider, however, that sometimes “off-ramps” lead to crowded, congested streets where progress is slower and more frustrating. Be aware of such, and avoid what you can of such.

WED., AUG. 28, 1996, 8:42 AM

I also am here with you, and am as much interested in the quality of life as I was in these stories in Acts. It is quite “fashionable” in most Christian churches in your culture to acknowledge Me and to call on Me for help of various sorts, but there are few affirmations like unto these of these early disciples… as the Church began to form. They felt My presence, My power, and My capacities in helping, and they acknowledged, rather directly, the assistance I gave.

So… I say I am . . .

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