Yes, I’m Sovereign!

WED., NOV. 1, 1995, 8:26 AM

…speaking as the Lord God, that is. I, the Holy Spirit, am privileged to speak both for and as this sovereign God. From My perspective the earth is not a democracy. I cause or I allow. Human will is always potentially subject to Mine. I know this is difficult… actually impossible… to conceptualize – simultaneous judgments on all humans and earth conditions and then actions based on these judgments. Remember that an initial difficulty is in considering what being outside of time and space is like.

I gave Isaiah some awful prophesies, and it certainly seemed as though I was angry and frustrated. I can have such feelings, but they never consume Me, because I always have the total picture, in width and in depth. I know what has been, what presently is, and what shall be, in general. Most individual actions are of no real, long-lasting consequence.

For example, your culture generally perceives death as being tragic. Some try to extend this sense of awful loss to abortions, spontaneous and medical. Heroic measures are being instituted all over this land at this moment (and whenever this is read hereafter) to save and extend earth lives. Courts will soon be in session to fix blame for the deaths of some. Much of the daily news is about deaths. And I then say that death may be no more significant than changing your clothes… or moving your residence. You are coming to envision such, for you have experienced this before, of course. As you get closer to the “change” you should have clearer memories… if your cultural values don’t interfere with such remembrances.

I am Sovereign, but mostly I am gently Sovereign. I still “create” a few Isaiahs in every age and culture, but I don’t see this earth scene as a problem or something to “fix”. Wars do some harm, but also bring about some good. Weather changes can be dangerous… and also stimulating. You see, when I don’t see death… or even injury… as terrible I can see life as a moving panorama, with life coming in and also going on to other realms. You watch the leaves fall, but you know others will grow in their places in a few months. You may cut down a large, living tree, so that others may have a chance to grow more fully.

Yours is not an evil culture, but it is far from perfect. It needs to be chastized from time to time, just as ancient Israel and Judah were. You know I don’t have a favorite practical form of government or system of economics. So I have no objection to the present leaning of government, even as some will be hurt by policies to be forthcoming. There will be some natural consequences, and I may cause a few, Myself. Then there will be some other changes and another kind of balance. And I’m still Sovereign.

There is no way for any of you humans to know exactly what I cause and what I just allow. Yet these are the only alternatives, so I tell you. I have told you, and you have come to see, that many of the decisions in your life that you thought you made, in a time span, were influenced by Me, made by Me, or made by you and Me before you reentered this earth scene. All of the consequences have not been perfectly as you, and as I, have desired, but with both of Us adapting your life has been a good one, and should continue as such. Oh, you’ll have some more pain, but always judge this by how little you’ve had, throughout your life.

WED., NOV. 1, 1995, 8:26 AM

…speaking as the Lord God, that is. I, the Holy Spirit, am privileged to speak both for and as this sovereign God. From My perspective the earth is not a democracy. I cause or I allow. Human will is always potentially subject to Mine. I know this is difficult… actually impossible… to conceptualize – simultaneous judgments on all humans and earth conditions and then actions based on these judgments. Remember that an initial difficulty is in considering what being outside of time and space is like.

I gave Isaiah some awful prophesies . . .

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