Yes, It Is A Mess!

WED., JUNE 13, 2001, 3:15 PM

Yes, o son of Mine, this room, special for you and one that you share with Me quite often, is a mess… and it gets worse rather than better. Now it would seem that I, your Holy Spirit, wouldn’t be bothered by confusion and messiness. I am, only to the extent that it is harmful to your spirit… and, thus, to your immortal soul, that which has been, is now, and will continue to be, in form or formless.

I realize you have made attempts to conquer this disarray, but you also realize that you actually did better when you responded to the calls of your profession and your family… when you theoretically had less time for orderliness. Now you have few responsibilities and a good deal of time that you could spend in “neatening,” but… look around you!

Now I also admit that you are older… into the “4th quarter” of this life as Bob Russell. You don’t think as well, remember as well, AND make decisions as well. You “struggled,” yesterday and today, with what to do about this latest “insurance venture.” Was this much more insurance really worthwhile… in comparison to what you might do with the money that was necessary for the large premium? You finally decided that it wasn’t, but you didn’t give much thought (as you should have) to the “insurance” I provide. You realize, in your spirit, that I Am concerned about you, for the rest of your earth life, and I shall “provide,” in some of My “many ways” all that you need. Yet your mind, with its logical, middle-class American “orientation” does urge you to be worried, be concerned about some aspects of your “future”. Your spirit tries to counter this, but your “other self” is more than a worthy “opponent.”

Now I am pleased that you have little concern for the bodily losses you’re experiencing. You have little desire to get into the medical “world” and submit to tests and treatments, the ones “they” prescribe. Hear once again – you will live as long as I want you to live, and it should be with an attitude of appreciation for “what has been.” Consider yourself fortunate (and you do) that you are not dying suddenly and unexpectedly. No… this is a time of gradual and compounding “losses,” which is just the best/right challenge for your spirit and your immortal soul.

You have functioned well as one strong and healthy, with few to no “handicaps.” Your spirit developed in such an almost ideal environment, but now it must continue to grow and develop as these losses and pains accumulate. Oh, you could say, “Oh, poor me,” but you won’t. With My help you shall accept life, as it is (and it is mostly good to ideal. You shall continue to accomplish, but in a lessened balance with contemplation and appreciation, for what you have now… and what you have had in this good life.

I notice that your “outside”… the Farm… is in acceptably neat condition, and Our meditation garden looks good. Continue to give your “outside” attention and the time necessary to keep it “to Our standards” (yours and Mine).

I realize, too, that you are still part of a culture that expects much of its “people.” Rightfully, you are “slowing down” and responding, as I want you to, to calls back to a life that you have successfully completed. But you still haven’t yet developed or “found” the best rhythm for you – now – in body, mind, and spirit. It’s coming, but all of you is not completely favorable to the change in your life style.

I won’t tell you what you should do – now… or next. You have a list. Keep working to shorten it. You needn’t be over-emotional about your lack of success in this “mess reduction.” Don’t become compulsive, but, with present conditions, don’t become too accepting of “what is… now.”

WED., JUNE 13, 2001, 3:15 PM

Yes, o son of Mine, this room, special for you and one that you share with Me quite often, is a mess… and it gets worse rather than better. Now it would seem that I, your Holy Spirit, wouldn’t be bothered by confusion and messiness. I am, only to the extent that it is harmful to your spirit… and, thus, to your immortal soul, that which has been, is now, and will continue to be, in form or formless.

I realize you have made attempts to conquer this disarray, but . . .

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