Yes, It Is Mystical…

WED., AUG. 23, 1995, 12:10 PM

The morning group of which you are a part on these mid-week days continues through this discourse that I, as Jesus, had with My disciples. This “chapter” does raise some issues, with the ultimate question, “What sort of story is this Biblical one?” My answer, in brief: Much of it is mystical. But this isn’t enough for a Teaching, now is it!? Hear Me further, o son.

I affirm that much of it is mystical, and you can only “know” what is and what “isn’t” by mystical perception. Let’s commence with an issue that you raised. If I am perfect, ideal, unconditional love how can I “lop off” certain humans because they don’t measure up to My requirements? And not only “lop off”, but pile them up, let them dry, and then burn them… these being, presumably, humans with an immortal soul created by Me. In mystical perceiving, which is quite often both/and, this is quite true, along with the assurance that I died for your sins (even though I didn’t die), and I am ultimate Forgiveness. Sometimes it is right and important for you to accept the truth of one, and, at other times, the other.

I command you to love, as completely as I love you. Can you ever reach this perfection? Or do I come down to your level, and only love comparably to you? You know that love can’t be commanded in this way, but I say you must. Don’t try. Just do it.

The Hebrews were My chosen people, and I told Paul to write that they continued to be. Yet here I affirm that any who do not accept Me, as sent from God AND as God Himself, shall be cast away, to be consumed. Are you wrong in feeling less and less that these Jews are your spiritual ancestors? Or are your relevant “spiritual ancestors” the mystics in every tradition who “see through” the apparent realities of life?

In the midst of frightening thoughts about your house burning down your concern is primarily for these Teachings. Will I protect your place because of these? Yes, they do bestow a certain sacredness to your dwelling. It still stands.

Is the dent you inflicted at all comparable, as a reality, to what We are doing at this moment? How do I, the Holy Spirit, have such knowledge of and contact with you, a not outstanding human? What other actions am I involved in, at this very moment? Is there any reality to “this very moment”?

John has Me uttering the truth that “you didn’t choose Me, but I chose you.” Can I then give you back? To whom or to what? I say that you’re chosen for life, no matter what you do or say or think. Could you stop coming for these Teachings? No way! If you ever have that thought, chuck it. There will be some challenges to Our relationship, but I didn’t choose you for failure. Who else is chosen? Ah, that’s ever so mystical.

This Scriptural portion ends with the assurance that I, the Holy Spirit, am the Source of all important knowledge, that relating to the spiritual. Can I then tell you “things” that seem to contradict, or go beyond, Scriptural passages? Remember John’s (a temporal John) dictum: compare Scripture with Scripture. What this means for you is that in Scripture two apparently conflicting affirmations can both be true, and therefore what I tell you, in this special way, can be truth, even as it appears to contradict Scriptural truth. This is mystical, but so, finally, is most of what I do.

WED., AUG. 23, 1995, 12:10 PM

The morning group of which you are a part on these mid-week days continues through this discourse that I, as Jesus, had with My disciples. This “chapter” does raise some issues, with the ultimate question, “What sort of story is this Biblical one?” My answer, in brief: Much of it is mystical. But this isn’t enough for a Teaching, now is it!? Hear Me further, o son.

I affirm that much of it is mystical, and you can only “know” what is and what “isn’t” by mystical . . .

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