Yes… Spring Has Sprung!

MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2001, 7:01 PM

Both days and nights are now warm, and it is comfortable being in shorts… you, not Me. The grass is greener every day, and the “preview” of tree leaves is underway. Spring is a season of promise, even though, for you, it had no great significance for a “school year.” In days long gone by it was a season to set workouts for your track teams and ponder over strategies as to how your athletes could fashion a team victory. You were successful in that coaching opportunity, and you cherish those wins, even though you have no desire to “do it again.”

New life is much less competitive, and you are enjoying “just being,” even with the pains and disabilities that are part of “these 70’s,” for you. You are privileged to have these “senior years,” looking back on a fine, fulfilling career. Not all humans, or even Americans, can say this. Two of your fine sons didn’t have this opportunity of growing old and “looking back.”

Even I can say that Spring symbolizes a new season of life. Warmth returns to the earth. And life in many forms, reawakens. I have suggested to you, often (but mostly in this Spring season) that your culture’s and your religion’s perception of human life does not follow the plant model… the perennial model. The dominant perception is the “annual” one – a seed, growth, flowering, seed production, and then permanent death of that plant. But you notice that the mums, and some other perennials are showing new green leaves at ground level, under the dead-looking foliage of “last year.”

Is human life, even here on earth more like this than like the “one life… that’s all there is”? You know that you do look forward to a continuation of spiritual life when your body can no longer function, but you also hope for at least the opportunity to come forth into the earth in a new body, with another unique opportunity to grow in spirit, through the special challenges of earth life… until you’re truly ready to merge back into Me, becoming part of the “greater Spirit world.”

Hear, yet again, My analogy – human life and the seasons of the year. You are a father, with sons in their forties. You are a grandfather, with a grandson as young as John Isaac (named after your grandfather) and even a younger great grand-daughter. Your Spring was in the 1920’s, 30’s, into the 40’s. Then came Summer, with military service, higher education, career preparations, and three different positions to give you a perspective on your role in education… (Fall or Autumn) and then marriage and parenthood.

Fall or Autumn was represented by your earned status as a professor, professional contributions, and the courses you developed and taught during the last portion of your career. You have been a loving (and loved) husband, and you have been a parent to boys, children and teenage, and now to grown, responsible men.

Now it definitely is Winter (in this analogy). Your career has been completed, you have few ongoing responsibilities, and you have physical and mental losses. You have no great worries, and you accept My ongoing invitation to hear Me, preparing you for the life ahead, through contemplation of this life, nearly completed.

You wonder if you shall return to this earth for yet another chance to grow in spirit and see life more as I do. I won’t tell you what I see (that’s the “bargain We made before each life), but We’ll work out the best “future” for you. And I will add that how you are in these last years, with disabilities, is a factor not yet completed.

Yes, o son, back to life, a “combination” of Spring and Late Fall/Early Winter. You still can grow in spiritual power and being. The more you can see every challenge, every setback, every happening, every decision as opportunities for spiritual maturing, the easier your “transition” will be. And it isn’t so much like “winning” as it is just gently and yet purposefully accepting how you have done in this life, as Bob Russell, and how you shall enter into “what comes next.”

MONDAY, APRIL 9, 2001, 7:01 PM

Both days and nights are now warm, and it is comfortable being in shorts… you, not Me. The grass is greener every day, and the “preview” of tree leaves is underway. Spring is a season of promise, even though, for you, it had no great significance for a “school year.” In days long gone by it was a season to set workouts for your track teams and ponder over strategies as to how your athletes could fashion a team victory. You were successful in that coaching opportunity, and you cherish those . . .

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