Yes, Stories

MON., JUNE 6, 1988, 6:12 AM

It was good that you brought along a volume of Teachings to read on this trip. I let that be the means of offering you the theme for your next Ruminations. Yes, you should wait until I indicate what it shall be. It obviously must be something about which I have given you Teachings, and We can share this matter of selection, but if I want you to choose I shall surely tell you. For this upcoming letter… yes, it shall be Stories.

Last evening you told a story, using songs and stories, and you made your most usual mistake… yet the whole offering was an acceptable gift. You focused too much on the glitz, so I had to complete the story with a story from an anonymous young man… your closing focus on love moved him, and this did blunt the negative feelings. It wasn’t outstanding, but it was well above average.

You shall have to devote some time to research for this letter. Titles will help some, but you also will need to find portions of Teachings not so obviously titled. I shall guide the process, but it will require some time and attention. Your time for relaxation shall not come until this task has been completed. I know what the temptations shall be. Just know this must be a priority.

I have told you much about the value of stories… that just as the Bible is a story made up of stories, so human life is a story composed of many individual and group stories. Your life is a story, with all of the dimensions of well-being. You have started your spiritual story, and you may continue to add to that. Consider writing your environmental story… from the pepper tree in Wilmington to your beautiful tree-shaded Farm. That could give you some more clues to the reality of ecological balance. While the whole is greater than the mere sum of its parts, it also must contain its parts, and seeing these individually is important.

I liked the two Ruminations that were built out of Bible stories. Reread those and work from them. They contain good clues as to how this current one should be developed. Be sure and include any references I have given you, since writing those, to other Bible stories, but this letter need not relate to these alone. This is to focus on stories as a way of understanding life, and as a way of teaching so that the best learning takes place.

You are including these Ruminations in your professional vita document, and well you should. You do have legitimate concern that the titles have some relevance to your professional responsibilities. The title I have just suggested should be what you need.

I shall renew My suggestion about using your printed stories of human/spiritual interaction with this current class. As you return to this theme of altering consciousness you have several excellent illustrations therein. And do look more diligently for that handout with the illustrations of altered consciousness. See if My suggestions help. But find them.

As you go to this conference in Michigan in a short time consider seeing it as a story and record it as such.
7:02 / 7:04
This poses an interesting challenge to your capacity to observe, record, and be creative. Actually it is a story, but most people will not see it as such. See if you can. Take notes accordingly.

MON., JUNE 6, 1988, 6:12 AM

It was good that you brought along a volume of Teachings to read on this trip. I let that be the means of offering you the theme for your next Ruminations. Yes, you should wait until I indicate what it shall be. It obviously must be something about which I have given you Teachings, and We can share this matter of selection, but if I want you to choose I shall surely tell you. For this upcoming letter… yes, it shall be Stories.

Last evening you told a story, using . . .

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