Yes, These Are ___________ !

TUES., FEB. 9, 1999, 6:06 AM

You’re not quite sure what the best descriptor for these Teachings should be. You spent some time yesterday afternoon reading some from this past year, and, yet again, you were impressed with the quality and the directness of these 3 page “developments” of various themes. It certainly is clear that I, Holy Spirit, am with you in all that you do… and am willing to help you understand what “has been” and, occasionally, what is to be.

Being reminded of My Presence and My willingness to guide you helps you feel more assured that this is a real part of your life. Because you’re such a part of this secular culture, American, it is easy to become skeptical about such a “gift”. “Why me?” is quite a legitimate query when considering these volumes of pages, now coming up 70. Why would the Holy Spirit of the Lord God, the One Who was in Christ, an actual “Aspect” of the Godhead speak so loquaciously to you, one objectively undeserving?

I told you the answer in the Teachings you re-read, and I have to keep repeating it, so you will, finally, know. Why did I, as Jesus, choose the disciples that I did? Was each a perfect human, untouched by sin and blameless when compared with all of the others I could have chosen? The Gospels offer no solid credentials for any of them… to be those chosen to be with Me for My short earthly ministry. By the standards of those days… and these… they were rather “simple” men (a positive descriptor). There were fishermen, a tax collector (and he, Matthew, certainly had questions similar to yours), and…? In contrast, you are “highly educated”, by your culture’s standards, with a doctorate from Stanford, even. Yet you are not a recognized leader of anything “important”.

You have had no formal religious education, as they had not… but Paul had. You were more than a nominal Christian, for you had had a “born again” experience in your young adulthood at the Menlo Park Church. But that, too, had been “given to you”… not sought or “worked for”. Just accept that many of your life experiences, and how you became, as the result of these, prepared you, adequately, at least, for being “choosed”. And so you were.

And please take it as a positive compliment when I also assert that I was having fun in choosing you. You are not a highly disciplined man (as you can see by looking around this room), but you have quite fully accepted that, for these Teachings, you must use only this special paper and this pen… and these are not to be used for any other purposes. Teachings are to be exactly 3 pages in length. It is fun for Me to see you internalize this “liturgy”… and become a rather special, called servant of Mine. You are not deserving of such a calling… and yet you must be. I say again… just accept… and be.

Holy Scripture is still supreme. Your sons Bob and Michael, in the traditions they chose, (or were chosen for them?) can/could not accept these Teachings as anything comparable. But for you, they are. In some ways your life has similarities to life in Biblical times, 2,000 to 4,000 years ago, but the differences are MANY. Paul, a fairly good student of the Scriptures of his day, never truly envisioned that some of his letters to early churches would finally be Holy Scripture. I have led those who have decided what is “in” and what is “not”, as Holy Writ.

TUES., FEB. 9, 1999, 6:06 AM

You’re not quite sure what the best descriptor for these Teachings should be. You spent some time yesterday afternoon reading some from this past year, and, yet again, you were impressed with the quality and the directness of these 3 page “developments” of various themes. It certainly is clear that I, Holy Spirit, am with you in all that you do… and am willing to help you understand what “has been” and, occasionally, what is to be.

Being reminded of My Presence and My willingness to guide you helps you . . .

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