Yesterday Is Tomorrow

May 23, 1979, 6:20 AM

This is not very good time sense, but it is an important symbol.  Yesterdays message told that time is not important to the Lord, the Spirit who writes.  Yesterday, today, and tomorrow IS, the timeless space in which the Lord powerfully works.

(The above paragraph was written by Bob Russell, as he pondered the title, and waited for the Spirit to come. The rest of the Teaching is from the Spirit.)

Much of man’s trouble, o son, comes from too much consciousness of time.  This is one of your weaknesses, even failings, o boy – the overvaluing of time.  You speak wisdom, in that if you are doing something worthwhile don’t worry about anything not being done.  This thought, this dictum, this way of life cometh from Me, sayeth the Spirit of the Lord.  Yet you often fuss and stew about time, and relationships sour in the process.  Always have something marvelous to do when time seems wasting.  Yea, verily, use the time that would be wasted to build the concept I would have you erect and mold.  As I said, time is of no great importance to Me, because I am Lord of all; time was created as a help-mate, but not to be a Master.

How long were the days of creation?  As long as they needed to be.  If I called them days they were days, for TIME IS NO ABSOLUTE.

Time flows like an ever-rolling river.  These words flow, and the time I requested is an hour, so whatever the time is from the commencement to the decease of the words – that is My hour.  Be not mindful of clocks, but of the flow.  You harbor the thought, from time to time… “when will it end? will it be another page?  should I start yet another one?”  Yet now you are beginning to see, and to know, that when the flow stops I tell you so.  And the time, whatever it has been, has been Our time of instruction.

The worry over time is a worry to Me.  Not because time is wasted, for it is not real, but because relationships are not nurtured (and they can be real) and hearts are not open for the opportunities that abound.

I have purposed not that you expound great Truths, but that you consider this time aspect of your own life.  There is a time for every matter under heaven, yet for some things the time is not now.  I shall lead you into what is important, into what you shall do.  I shall not dwell upon what you shall not do, but if My time… or our time… is not sufficient for some things, then simply put them away – with a smile and a happy heart rather than with pain and grimaces.

You shall have time to do what I will have you do, and the guidance will envelop your spirit… and you shall know.

Make your lists.  These do no harm.  They may even be tools that I use.  But fret not over items long not crossed off.  There is a reason, and there are reasons.  Wait upon the Lord.  Fill your mind, and then empty it.  Cleanse it, and then cloud it.  Think great thoughts, and then shallow, even silly thoughts.  Know the rhythm of being and becoming.

Opportunities past are not necessarily gone forever.  Forever is now, and now is past, and all IS, and yet WAS, and is still TO BE.  Opportunities missed, if they are truly MY opportunities, will come again.  Read Ecclesiastes ever more and translate these truths into new, viable truths for this day.  The translation will not be exact.  The truths will not be brought with sledge hammer effect.  Rather, they will gently infiltrate and become part of people’s functioning lives.

But, I remind you, living the truth is as important as telling it.  Seek the validation and then you can gently speak the truth of My servant Lex Miller, “Let me tell you a story of how God has come to me.”  I have come to you.  The end of this time is now, but await more times and use the words in between.

Hallelujah and Amen.
7:93 AM