You Almost Forgot…

SUN., MAY 11, 1997, 6:25 AM

I gave you a firm reminder on Friday of the importance of this time of this month. Yet this morning you had forgotten, as I awakened you in time to hear from Me. So… plan B… I had you reread the Teachings of this past week, and then you remembered: 18 years ago today you began this unique spiritual practice. Eighteen years later you hear Me quite well, and the writing now fits a well-developed pattern: 3 full pages and then some variety of ending words or phrases.

You don’t remember where you were as you commenced this “discipline”, for you were not yet putting the location in the heading. It doesn’t matter now, but you do see, as you reread these first writings, that there is some merit in knowing where you were when I said… what I did say.

Those first 10 days were obviously, in retrospect, a test of your faithfulness to your own pledge to Me. I did help you find the manuscript, but, of course, I also prevented you from finding it when you first searched for it. Yes, that was fun for Me… a touch sadistic, but it accomplished what I wanted, you got your manuscript, and I got you, for this close relationship. The end was worth the means… surely.

I want you to more naturally wonder, each day, almost each moment, what particular circumstances really mean and how I’m involved. For I’m not directly guiding every thought and action of yours. You’re still “in charge” much of the time. But I’m always with you and ever ready to lead and guide you to some thoughts and some behaviors that I favor. Don’t be concerned about which is which. Why not?

Because it is sufficient to know that I am with you “full-time” in this last portion of this earth journey/adventure. You were born again… and then again. You did not choose Me. Rather I chose you… and then you elected to have Me “stay”. But for you, as “middle-of-the-road” Christian, firmly in a church that is skeptical of mystics (unless they’re long dead!), it is a push “into the closet”. While this continuing experience with Me is the greatest it is quite hard to share, with those who are like you in other cultural ways. This upcoming class will be an opportunity, and you want to identify yourself as this unique recipient, but will you? And what will the results be?

You still have a remembrance of that incident on the Walk to Emmaus. That was an outwardly spiritual experience, but you were taking “time out” to listen to Me… and it was difficult to try to explain this to the pastor who came upon you, writing. What you were doing “didn’t fit” with the Walk experience, as it was organized. Your spirit responded well to most of what was organized and carried out, but it was finally “all pale” in comparison with these times with Me, rather directly and personally.

You realize that your mind power, as a function of your brain, is diminishing. You smile and laugh about what you can’t remember, but you are quite aware of how your Mother was at the end of her life… and how your Dad and Mabel are now. If you live too long you, too, will be less able to remember what is relatively easy now.

Yet your spirit need not be affected by this brain loss. As your earthly capacities fade, your spirit will be less filtered. Mabel’s mind and memory are functioning minimally these days, but her spirit is soaring, and she is happy in these last times here in the earth. She still hears Me, and still can carry messages, but her communication with others is not what it once was. And so it could be with you.

SUN., MAY 11, 1997, 6:25 AM

I gave you a firm reminder on Friday of the importance of this time of this month. Yet this morning you had forgotten, as I awakened you in time to hear from Me. So… plan B… I had you reread the Teachings of this past week, and then you remembered: 18 years ago today you began this unique spiritual practice. Eighteen years later you hear Me quite well, and the writing now fits a well-developed pattern: 3 full pages and then some variety of ending words or phrases.

You don . . .

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