You Almost “Made It”!

SAT., JULY 21, 2001, 1:20 PM

Yes, o son, yesterday was an “almost” day. You were being interviewed, tested, and evaluated for a “place” in an on-going study of the development of Alzheimer’s “disease.” You and Lenore suspect that you are in the early stages of this “end-of-life” condition, and you seemed to be a good candidate or the study. But then came the blood pressure “numbers,” and they were too high. So, now you must decide to take… or not take… some medication to lower the pressure. The study, of course, as a “good, scientific” one, gives you only 1 chance in 2 of actually taking the medication being tested. And there would be regular trips to Paducah.

You are not asking Me, your friendly Holy Spirit, what you should do, and, as you suspect, I am not particularly interested in matters such as this one. Oh, I see some value in scientific study and the practical applications therefrom, but it is not an aspect of earth life that recognizes Me… even denies My presence and influence. Further, you are quite aware that I am more concerned about the health of this whole Earth ecosystem than about extending individual lives. Oh, the extension of the lives of a few of the elderly by medical means is worthwhile, but I also see much waste of human ability and material resources in trying to keep more alive than are able to live on with their own resources. And, I’ll say again, there are relatively few folks whose lives in their 80’s and beyond can be judged as “quite worthwhile.” This may seem harsh, but it’s My judgment, now.

You realize, of course, that your mind and your memory are working less and less well. You would like to be a really “sharp oldster,” but… “not this time!” It is hard for you to accept that you can’t think and can’t remember as you once did, and you would like to be able to slow down or even halt such losses. That was the appeal of being part of this study, and it is disconcerting that high blood pressure would be a disqualifying factor. I won’t say Yes or No to going on medication to bring that pressure down… just to be in the study. Be true to your own standards in deciding, but hear again that I’m not in favor of your ending this earth life as a medical patient, for just “a few years more.”

But if you can go into such a study, with lowered blood pressure, and can keep your “true identify” as a son of Mine… and could see it as just a worthwhile life “adventure”… you won’t “lose Me.” I’ll be interested in what and How you decide.

It was a pleasant drive with son John Patrick yesterday. You see, again, that this area, to which I guided you, is beautiful… and minimally populated. Lenore and John Patrick had a continuing conversation, that your hearing loss prevented you from joining. So, you did what I increasingly recommend: if some loss prevents you from participating as you once did, look for some other use of time, acceptable to Me. You just absorbed and appreciated the beauty of rolling, green countryside… trees and occasional farms. This, of course, ties ( 2:04 / 3:22 ) in with your love of this place… the vista from your meditation garden that is virtually all rolling hills, trees, and pastures or hay fields.

Now you are back from more than an hour’s interaction with Bobaire concerning his addiction to gambling and his reactions to some early contacts with G.A. It is good that there are group such as this, “people helping people” with similar addictions. As I have told you in other Teachings, I have allowed this phenomenon of addiction to be part of the human story. These can be spirit-wrenching, but I love to see spirits that have been so challenged come back and grow in ways that would have been unlikely “without.” I also remind you that this that We do together (these Teachings) is a form of addiction… quite a good one! You could not go this week without at least 3 Teachings, so here you are. (You need a stronger one for Bible reading and study, however!)

SAT., JULY 21, 2001, 1:20 PM

Yes, o son, yesterday was an “almost” day. You were being interviewed, tested, and evaluated for a “place” in an on-going study of the development of Alzheimer’s “disease.” You and Lenore suspect that you are in the early stages of this “end-of-life” condition, and you seemed to be a good candidate or the study. But then came the blood pressure “numbers,” and they were too high. So, now you must decide to take… or not take… some medication to lower the pressure. The study, of course, as . . .

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