You And Me

JULY 29, 1980, 5:58 AM

Hear some words of instruction about the intermingling of you and Me, o son, in this journey of life here in the earth and in specific tasks during that journey. You are so basically an independent person that it is important that you understand more fully the nature of this dependence.

The relationship began long ago, as it did, at least potentially, for each of you. You were created as a soul or entity to achieve a sense of independence, a sense of uniqueness… and then develop to a point where that independence is given up for mutuality with Me. The stages are important, but the “time” will vary in which different souls spend in each. (Don’t ponder, just write what you hear. Don’t fret about perfection in grammar. You are right… this is not My supreme value. If an idea does not come forth clearly I shall reword it and clarify it. Yet each wording may have value.)

Yes, think, for this lesson, in terms of time, still having at least some sense that there is a simultaneity to the life experience. It is circular as well as linear, and it is “all-at-once” as well as circular and linear. But that is another concept.

Long ago you were created as differentiated from Me and from other souls. As the differentiation from Me becomes evident there is a natural clinging to and with others, for complete independence is a frightening prospect. Dependence upon others is child-like, but you can notice that actual children vary greatly in how naturally dependent each is. Some of this is a response to nurturing, but some is evidence of one’s development as an entity “over time”.

The desirable development is to know and acknowledge your independence and differentiation from Me, to develop an independence from others, to know and acknowledge your complete individuality (and savor this), and then develop on into a mutuality with Me which brings, as a consequence, a mutuality with others… ultimately all others.

JULY 29, 1980, 5:58 AM

Hear some words of instruction about the intermingling of you and Me, o son, in this journey of life here in the earth and in specific tasks during that journey. You are so basically an independent person that it is important that you understand more fully the nature of this dependence.

The relationship began long ago, as it did, at least potentially, for each of you. You were created as a soul or entity to achieve a sense of independence, a sense of uniqueness… and then develop to a point where . . .

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