You And Paul

TUES., JAN. 5, 1999, 7:21 AM

You just have read through this short letter of Paul’s to the Colossians… as the sun rises on a cold, white portion of the earth, where you live. This place for living is not like that of most of your fellow humans, and you are pleased (and should be) that you are privileged in this unique way. You look out at trees that “represent” people – one, a son who then represents family… and two, one given by students, representing that great portion of your life when you shared both yourself and this Farm with students. It was a unique experience for you, and also for them – many of them, over the years.

You are like Paul in some ways, and different in others. You are not an evangel, as he was, and, true, I have not pulled or pushed you to be such. You came rather slowly to value and include the spiritual as a legitimate, important dimension of health, but you were quite positive about this “fact” in those closing years. Your role was not to harangue that “this is the only way”. Rather you simply attested to the Fact that spirit is a vital part of each of us, which can be developed in the way each of us lives.

Paul was a Jew, well-educated in his faith. He was so dedicated to its truths and rituals that he persecuted Christians, seeing them as a danger to this way of life that was his so fully and firmly. But then I, as the crucified, but risen, Christ came to him in a dramatic, “life-shattering” way. God was as he had known Me, but I was also in Jesus, the Son, the Christ, the Messiah. I was from the Father, but different… and yet, equal in influence and power. (He recognized and acknowledged Me, as Holy Spirit, but did not quite consider Me “equal”, in the same way he saw Me, as the Christ.)

He was still a Jew, though he saw many of the restrictions and practices as unnecessary to retain My love and attention. And yet he was proud of having to suffer for holding to and sharing his new faith – that My sacrifice was sufficient… none further were needed. And still his message was that “clean living” was important, as was suffering, like unto his. He believed that I, as Christ, would come again soon, and all “would be made right”… so “be ready”.

It now is nearly 2,000 years later, and Paul’s letters are part of Holy Scripture, in the Testament that tells of Me, as the Christ. Earth life has changed in many, quite astounding ways. There are many more of you humans, more than are ideal for the total web of life, barely understood in Paul’s time. I did not come again, in the way he expected, but I have reached out to people in many cultures, and Christianity is the most dominant of the religions of earth. Could it have been other than this? Of course, but this is the way I chose and have helped develop.

Paul was a Jew to whom I came in a dramatic way, as Christ. You are a Christian, to whom I came, as Holy Spirit, in a much quieter, less dramatic way. Because of his experience and its aftermath Paul became and remained a good servant of Mine. Because of your experience you have remained rather faithful to Me, as Holy Spirit, and to this unique gift of Teachings from Me.

Paul wrote letters, telling of his experiences with Me and how others, Jews and Gentiles, should come to know and serve Me, as he was. I now have you write Letters in which you share insights that I have shared with you… and what these mean to you, in your life. You remain a middle-of-the-road Christian, yet what you do, with Me, is mystical… and you have come to know about eternal, everlasting life in a way that isn’t acceptable in your portion of the Faith.

TUES., JAN. 5, 1999, 7:21 AM

You just have read through this short letter of Paul’s to the Colossians… as the sun rises on a cold, white portion of the earth, where you live. This place for living is not like that of most of your fellow humans, and you are pleased (and should be) that you are privileged in this unique way. You look out at trees that “represent” people – one, a son who then represents family… and two, one given by students, representing that great portion of your life when you shared both yourself . . .

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I have not called you to be an evangel for the way I have led you to see life… and Me. You are pleased with this “non-choosing”, while you are faithful in this equally unique path We have developed together. You needn’t feel guilty about your “way”. I don’t come to each person in an identical way. I don’t expect you to all believe the same and act the same. Paul was a public servant, you are more a private one. Paul wanted to remain a Jew and still be a Christian. You want to remain a Christian, but… I have led you on another path. Just be true to it. You don’t have to be a Paul.

So it is
8:28 AM

TUES., JAN. 5, 1999, 7:21 AM

You just have read through this short letter of Paul’s to the Colossians… as the sun rises on a cold, white portion of the earth, where you live. This place for living is not like that of most of your fellow humans, and you are pleased (and should be) that you are privileged in this unique way. You look out at trees that “represent” people – one, a son who then represents family… and two, one given by students, representing that great portion of your life when you shared both yourself . . .

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