You… And This “New Age”

FRI., JULY 16, 1999, 6:06 AM

The dissertation oral you attended yesterday reinforced, yet again, that you are not an integral part of this “new age,” symbolized by the computer. You have not pushed yourself to learn how to use these “devices,” and hence you remain “computer illiterate.” It is not yet clear to what extent there will be chaos and disruption in your culture (and in the rest of the earth that is dependent upon computers), but you’re now into the second half of this last year of the century, so it will not be long until you do know to what extent your life has been affected.

It is not difficult to acknowledge that computers make a faster-paced culture possible. Your question –and Mine – is, of course, “Is this faster pace all good?” Or does it bring on as many problems as it solves or prevents? You can’t imagine that computers will be abandoned, so, then, you must wonder whether there can be “a good life” without personal use of these.

You are appreciative of son John Patrick’s expertise and skill with these machines and are particularly appreciative of his “gift” to you (and, perhaps, others) of the computer-generated one page, printed version of these Teachings. The volumes in the black note-books are certainly a more “modern” form of what I have taught you… more efficient and handier.

Yet you do not feel that I am pushing you to develop the competence to record these Teachings directly, rather than taking them down in hand-written form. And you know, from the experiences of these past 20 years, that I know how to let you know what I want and am not shy about affecting your behavior. So… what do I say now?

I am quite satisfied with this “low tech ritual” we’ve developed. You know how to get this special, tinted paper, and this is the pen you are to use (with the inner ink container replaced an uncounted number of times). Teachings are to be 3 pages in length, which, with your handwriting, translate to one page, printed. These “originals” are to be kept in clamp binders and thus be easily available to you as you compose Ruminations… or to others who might have use for the “crude form” of what I say to you. And you now have almost a complete file drawer to hold future volumes of these “originals.”

Of course My Holy Scriptures have to be in printed form, using rather small font type in order for the Book to be manageable. The original “writing down” of these stories, Gospels, and Letters was many years ago, and the “originals” are of no practical value. Yet you know there are technological ways of reproducing great works of art, in which the “copy” is almost indistinguishable from the original. And still the original is considered more valuable. Mass production is good for the masses, but “originals” typically have more value.

I am responsible for this “new, modern age” only as I allow it. I needn’t be computer literate, for I have powers quite beyond those of electronic machines. And… I have allowed this Y2K phenomenon as a “test” of human ingenuity in overcoming human mistakes in judgment.

I am not opposed to your entering this “new age” (as I’ve defined it), but I also am not obviously pushing you toward it. There is no strong need for you to become personally competent with the machines of this age. Oh, there will be an occasional incident in which your “handicap” is an embarrassment, but just be proud that you are old, the way you are.

FRI., JULY 16, 1999, 6:06 AM

The dissertation oral you attended yesterday reinforced, yet again, that you are not an integral part of this “new age,” symbolized by the computer. You have not pushed yourself to learn how to use these “devices,” and hence you remain “computer illiterate.” It is not yet clear to what extent there will be chaos and disruption in your culture (and in the rest of the earth that is dependent upon computers), but you’re now into the second half of this last year of the century, so it will not be . . .

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