You Are Because I Am

THURS., MAY 7, 1987, 6:16 AM

This seems rather simple… a straightforward Christian affirmation. It acknowledges the creation of the immortal soul, which is linked in some way to Me, the Holy Spirit. If it were just this simple, however, there would be no point in a full Teaching on it, and the title signifies that I have considerably more to say. Hear, o son.

I, the Holy Spirit, God Almighty, and Jesus the Christ, am uncreated Being. There was no time before I was. There is no time when I am not. There will be no time when I am not. Even if the earth should utterly perish My power and activity would continue. I would be sorry for such destruction, as I am sorry when any individual dies prematurely or unnecessarily. Yet this would be a little significance in My being. Or, better, it would be of great importance… and of no importance.

Because I am, everything that you see or can imagine also is. Though I do not create individually each human, each rabbit, each maple tree, each tick, each blade of grass I have established the process, and I am a vital part of the creation, however seemingly insignificant. Your sense of time and limited capacities prevents you from appreciating this fully, but I affirm it. Nothing “happens” without My “participation.”

All right, let Me then comment on that classic justification for Satan overcoming Me – Hitler and the Nazi regime in Germany. Sorry… I shall not back away from My affirmation. I was involved in that era and those actions just as I am today in movements for peace and justice. From My perspective, much of great value came forth from that brutal scene. There are not words to explain the true reality well. I did not purposely create and orchestrate the Nazi movement, but neither was I overwhelmed by the evil force, nor was I away on vacation. There was good that came out of that era which could not have been if circumstances had been different.

Basically, I can cause, I can allow, and I can prevent. All that happens is not My direct will, but also nothing happens because I could not prevent it. Your body was created nearly 62 years ago, and close to your birth the immortal part of you entered and energized that small being. If you had entered into a German baby you could well have been a young Nazi. If you had entered into a Jewish baby you might well have been tortured and killed. If you had entered into a Tasaday baby you would have known nothing of that period of Western history, just as you know nothing of their history. The beautiful truth is that you could have grown spiritually in each of these situations, or in any other imaginable.

If I should cease to exist so would you, without a memory of ever having been. In other Teachings I have offered the analog of the sun as My physical “counterpart.” If the sun should cease to exist all life in physical form would cease to exist very soon. The earth would be a lifeless planet with no attachment, nothing around which to revolve. It could wander in space or could cease to exist. There would be no practical difference.

THURS., MAY 7, 1987, 6:16 AM

This seems rather simple… a straightforward Christian affirmation. It acknowledges the creation of the immortal soul, which is linked in some way to Me, the Holy Spirit. If it were just this simple, however, there would be no point in a full Teaching on it, and the title signifies that I have considerably more to say. Hear, o son.

I, the Holy Spirit, God Almighty, and Jesus the Christ, am uncreated Being. There was no time before I was. There is no time when I am not. There will be no . . .

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