You Can Come Back

MON., FEB. 4, 1991, 6:46 AM

The class group you are in, at My invitation, struggled, yesterday morning, with a passage from the Letter to the Hebrews. It concerned whether or not you could come again into full relationship with Me if, having been in relationship, you slipped away and denied Me, as the Christ. Well, I could make this a brief Teaching by simply saying that the passage must be interpreted in some other way, for, in truth, I reject no sinner who turns back to Me, no matter what the nature of that sin. But you know that I shall elaborate. You shall not be disappointed.

Forgiveness is Mine to bestow. I know, of course, that it is almost what I could call “natural” that young folks learn of Me, become dedicated, even serve Me for a time, and then slide away. It may be the influence of others or it may be that prayers are not answered as desired… or something… but there is a turning away and even a denial of Me as Christ, as the Holy Spirit, and even of Almighty God. “Well, if there was a God, He wouldn’t…”

So, yes, I have had much experience, over generations of humans, with turning away and denial. Since I have a special knowledge about and relationship with individual spirits I am aware of the struggles that some spirits undergo in this process, which has many variations. With some, particularly well educated Western folk, it is often a battle between mind and spirit. The mind dwells upon earthly knowledge and demands proof. For example, one could hear of Noah and the flood and, in a literal sense, affirm that the water cycle and the power of the sun would not allow for rain that would cover all of the earth. Further, knowing the variety of animals that now exist, in a wide variety of habitats, it seems impossible to assemble two of each kind somewhere in the Middle East and have these all survive quite a long “cruise”. It just could not occur naturally… and therefore all Scripture is suspect, says the mind.

The spirit’s rejoinder is that the story is told as it is to get attention, for the lesson is an important one… that God can repent of threats and will not destroy humankind, no matter what the sin. Or, perhaps better, there are hard lessons to be learned in the earth, and God will do what is necessary for spirits to learn.

Thus I encourage spirits to be stronger and counter the conclusions of the mind, and the person then returns to relationship. The harder circumstance is when the spirit also turns away and actively denies Me, in all of My forms. A spirit can be strong and still turn away, denying Me and affirming some other, fanciful way of spirit. I am relegated to communion only with the worst of church members, and spirits lapse into rather “evangelical” apostasy.

Despite the “offending” Scripture, I aver clearly that you can come back. Love and forgiveness are the more natural and more powerful aspects of spirit. So when affirmations against Me pale or even fail the sojourner feels the love of the everlasting arms and the forgiveness that I, as Jesus, assured with My sacrifice and My resurrection. I do let some souls slip away so that they can experience the joy of return. For there often is more spiritual joy in being accepted back than in just remaining steadfastly faithful.

That Letter was to the Hebrews in the early years of the Christian faith. Some did turn to Me, following the disciples and Paul. Obviously there were many who did not, for the Hebrew people are a force today, particularly in the Middle East, with their original identity. Many remain faithful to Our original covenant, even as they deny Me, as the Christ and Messiah. I love them for their faithfulness, but I still say, to you, that they are short of the fullness of relationship as it could be.

The rituals and memories are powerful, but not as powerful as the present experience. You feel My dilemma, which is of My own making.

MON., FEB. 4, 1991, 6:46 AM

The class group you are in, at My invitation, struggled, yesterday morning, with a passage from the Letter to the Hebrews. It concerned whether or not you could come again into full relationship with Me if, having been in relationship, you slipped away and denied Me, as the Christ. Well, I could make this a brief Teaching by simply saying that the passage must be interpreted in some other way, for, in truth, I reject no sinner who turns back to Me, no matter what the nature of that sin. But . . .

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