You Did It Again

SAT., JULY 18, 1992, 6:39 AM

Yesterday afternoon your last real class of the year had its final session at the traditional place, here at the Farm. Less than two weeks ago a group of people gathered as a class, and you molded them into a communion of souls who cared about each other. The subject is death and dying, but the important goal is the greater appreciation of life, as they have it now and as it stretches in front of them. Oh, you didn’t do it perfectly, and you are aware, from My participation in your contemplation last evening, of the major shortcoming, and I shall help make you more aware of that later. But, positively, you didn’t just “teach a class.” You crafted a small work of art… and that’s what I want from you.

I’ll tell you again that you have had several life experiences here in the earth as a teacher. Hence, you are not doing this for the first time. (I know you’d like to know when and where these were and what you did, but you know that this is remembrance you gave up when you came back this time. Be patient. You’ll finally know this, yet again.) And, of course, you now are finishing up 43 years as Bob Russell, teacher and professor and director of learning… with a few more years to craft other works of art.

It all begins with, is sustained by, and is completed with your spirit. That is even part of the process that decides who gets a closed class card and who doesn’t. It really begins, however, with your introduction of yourself, and your interest in class members as they introduce themselves. It continues with the course outline and with your introduction of the holistic perspective on health. (That was a nice touch added to this class’ outline. Keep it there and open your awareness to other additions that might help to emphasize the spiritual. It culminates, naturally, in that first class meeting with your being able to call each by name. I certainly approve of that.

Your sharing of the experiences and reactions of former students is an important part of the spirit in the group. You have identified your “prize” papers, but you have copies of many others, and you should go over these and be more aware of all that you have, so there can be alternatives. The balance of the course is just about right, so little change is necessary. What you add must be as good as what you take out.

Your songs in the last two sessions were truly helpful in solidifying the spirit. As I have told you even though a song may be about death the fact that you’re singing it, with the appropriate spirit, makes it part of life enhancement. Consider this inclusion in your regular classes,

Now to the critique, which I did promise. You did bless the food, and that was an exhibition of your faith and relationship to Me. What you could have done, however, was to remind them of the strong Christian character of them as a class, and that they could be proud to be in the majority. With this class, particularly, you could have shared your own “faith journey” and how I have helped you interpret eternal and everlasting life. Consider this for future classes, particularly for one next summer, should you have this opportunity. The opportunity was thrust at you, yesterday afternoon, and you muffed it. But that’s My only real criticism.

SAT., JULY 18, 1992, 6:39 AM

Yesterday afternoon your last real class of the year had its final session at the traditional place, here at the Farm. Less than two weeks ago a group of people gathered as a class, and you molded them into a communion of souls who cared about each other. The subject is death and dying, but the important goal is the greater appreciation of life, as they have it now and as it stretches in front of them. Oh, you didn’t do it perfectly, and you are aware, from My participation . . .

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