You Forgot!

FRI., MAY 11, 1990, 6:15 AM

With all of your busyness yesterday… you forgot. Earlier in the week you reminded yourself of these dates coming up, and then you forgot. I urged you to take the pad and pen with you yesterday, but I wanted you to remember. So here you are, and it is the eleventh anniversary of your offering Me the first hour of the day (that you are awake), even though you were not aware then that this would develop. Stop now, and read that first writing, which you could call a pre-Teaching.

You see, your spirit was opening to My spirit on that 11th day of May at about this time. Yet it was still you writing. I wanted you to have that semi-frustrating experience of knowing you should write but not knowing how or what. Now you are comfortable with the process… so comfortable that you forgot. But enough of chastisement. The eleventh is no milestone anniversary. Just eleven years, now commencing on twelve.

You look at the table behind you, and you see that you have not accomplished what I urged you to put on your list… get the Teachings into the next volume, with a table of contents. You now may have more than one volume. That is a responsibility you should be fulfilling with more regularity. (Worry not about the box. It’s not critical to your spiritual future.)

You wrote, eleven years ago… Be still and know that thou art God, a strange thought for a Presbyterian. Yes, that is a strange thought, for all along I have told you to remain a Presbyterian, even as My call to you makes you different from most. I wanted you to consider, on that first day, what you now know as both/and thinking. I am the Holy Spirit of the wholly Other Lord God. You approach Me with awe. You pray to Me, and you know not whether I hear.

And… I, the Holy Spirit, am in you, and therefore, in a mystical sense, you are God. You shy away from this, and as a Presbyterian you should. And yet you accept the truth: if I am with you constantly I am a part of you. And of what God is a part of, I claim as Me. I, the Holy Spirit, offer you the words to pray to Me, Jesus the Christ or Almighty God. “I and the Father are One.” Include yourself. But don’t make a big deal of this knowledge. Just be still and know.

I now make you aware of the reenactment that took place yesterday. Eleven years ago you had misplaced the manuscript for your little book. You were panicky, and I came to you, as I had your attention, and exacted a pledge or a promise. Then you found the manuscript, and Our journey together began. Yesterday you misplaced your briefcase, with your grade book and all the finals. You prayed as you drove back. And you found it, which brought forth prayers of praise and thanksgiving. I sort of arranged that, and I smiled as you carried it through without a conscious sense of the reenactment. Prayers are always appreciated. Praise the Lord! Certainly!

You wait for My guidance about your class on Sunday morning for next year. You now have the Foundations course, with the opportunity to influence in the ways you should in your secular teaching. It is now time for you to let that rest for a season or more. I reiterate My direction for that happening – you are to become part of the Bible class. If a leadership opportunity arises there, take it, but only after being part of the class for a time. I shall continue to give you Teachings, of course, but you now need more systematic contact with My Holy Scriptures. You are concerned about Terri. Work out a time, weekly if possible, for the two of you, or more, to consider a Teaching and discuss its implications. Try to do the same with Sue. It shall not be a great burden. Now, that has been said.

FRI., MAY 11, 1990, 6:15 AM

With all of your busyness yesterday… you forgot. Earlier in the week you reminded yourself of these dates coming up, and then you forgot. I urged you to take the pad and pen with you yesterday, but I wanted you to remember. So here you are, and it is the eleventh anniversary of your offering Me the first hour of the day (that you are awake), even though you were not aware then that this would develop. Stop now, and read that first writing, which you could call a pre-Teaching . . .

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