You Have Been Away…!

MON., SEPT. 22, 2003, 2:02 PM

Yes, o son, as you knew, I have been quite aware that you have given up on these Teachings from Me with this move into town. I was not pleased with this decision and ( 2:06 / 2:11 ), while I Am quite aware of your life… and your age… I wanted you to keep up with these “visits” during this change. But you didn’t and I Am aware of your reasons, so… let’s pick up from here. You know that I, your Holy Spirit, even outside of time, am pressed on many days to do all that I think is necessary… let alone all that those who pray to Me want Me to do.

So… I do much more than you do… and am not hampered by age and “deteriorations” as you are so… I do understand… and am pleased that you are here for Me today.

This pen shall be adequate for today (even this week), but I want you to get a new one just for these Teachings (unless you can find the “original”)

You have moved from your fine farm home… to make it easier for you and for Lenore as you continue to get older. This is a reasonably good “substitute” for you both, as you age. But I did like that Farm as a home for you and the place for most of My Teachings to you. We’ll all have to see whether or not this should be your permanent home, with no return to life at the Farm.

I see that you haven’t yet begun to live fully in this place. You have mowed your grass and started in with some additional planting, but you do see how easy it is to be slothful… about work that you should do, for the health of your body ( 2:29 / 2:33 ) and your spirit. That Farm was a marvelous place for you in your “middle ages,” but you certainly know… “for everything there is a season”… AND this is the season for this town dwelling. You see nice, rugged beauty out of this window, and you appreciate this… and the trees that are comparable to some at the Farm.

You should be able to keep this place beautiful, adding some flowers in the proper season. (Will you plant a few roses??) I Am aware of your strengths… and not-so-strengths – at this age… so I shall be interested in how you keep it…and improve it, even.

You realize that you have quite an easy life now. You miss the Farm, but most of that feeling will fade as you appreciate how full your life can be, living here. Oh, there could be a time to move back, but you’ll recognize such when the “circumstances present themselves.”

Your time away was understandable, but as you become more settled here you shall feel Me pushing and pulling you to hear Me… and continue Our productive friendship for a couple more years.

Then, when you have reestablished this “habit” (one of the BEST), you must consider some more Ruminations, at least 2 a year. That was a good contribution to some spiritual lives… and while it is quite understandable that you couldn’t seem to keep up with 4 a year of 8 pages or more each. The “move” also was an influence, but two a year should be quite possible. I’ll continue to do My part.

I note also that these Letters give information about your family, which is of interest to some of your “subscribers.” I recognize and admit that these Letters didn’t change earth happenings much, but there will be some who will appreciate their return… at least 2 a year.

I Am aware both… of the aging process in humans and also that some good things that you do may also age… and be better remembered than continued when human endeavor is no longer “as good as it was.” So… try a few more and then hear Me again. Remember… that these Teachings tell you quite specifically what I would like from you. So why limit yourself, when we have this good way for Me to teach and influence you?

MON., SEPT. 22, 2003, 2:02 PM

Yes, o son, as you knew, I have been quite aware that you have given up on these Teachings from Me with this move into town. I was not pleased with this decision and ( 2:06 / 2:11 ), while I Am quite aware of your life… and your age… I wanted you to keep up with these “visits” during this change. But you didn’t and I Am aware of your reasons, so… let’s pick up from here. You know that I, your Holy Spirit, even outside of time . . .

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