“… You Have To Walk It By Yourself…”

SUN., OCT. 25, 1992, 6:08 AM CST

The words of this old hymn do speak a truth of the Christian faith, and probably you shall speak to it this afternoon. It is a truth, as you discern that is balanced by another, seemingly opposite one. You… or any individual… are on this spiritual/faith journey “by yourself.” You come into the earth with some spiritual history… some karma… from practically none to quite a bit… and this affects what you do in this life. You also have some measure of freedom, and how you use this further emphasizes your individuality. Life has a lonesome quality to it. No one is just like you. No one has experiences just as you have them. You walk by yourself.

But, as often happens, a stark truth brings forth its balance. You are not alone in the earth. If you were, you wouldn’t survive. Most people are related to some others and share love with these. Love brings people together, even as they are different from one another. Love keeps people related to each other, even when differences are evident… and invasive. You are alone, and yet you walk with others and are not lonely.

In addition, I am available, as God Almighty, as Jesus the Christ, and as the Holy Spirit. Some Christians are comfortable with Me in any of these “forms.” Other relate more fully to Me as One of these Three. I come to you as Holy Spirit, even as you know I can speak just as well as God or as Jesus. With Me you never can be lonely… and yet… you know I am much beyond you, and though I am helpful Ours can never be a truly equal relationship. It is… and it isn’t… like the truths of which We speak.

Those who have had someone truly close to them die often feel that they are walking a lonesome valley. Death has taken a mate, a parent, a sibling, even a child. The one with whom a life was shared, even if imperfectly, has left the body and typically “moves on” to a fuller life in a spirit realm. (A few, like Dave’s Mother, do continue relationship with one or some in the earth, but this isn’t common. It is usually just a transition.)

Those remaining can feel truly lonesome and lonely. But as I have said often, this loneliness is natural for some short time, but if it remains it is evidence of selfishness and an unwillingness to live the life that remains fully. You can be of help to others, sharing love with some who need it. Giving of yourself is the best way to counter loneliness… walking with others, who need you as you need them.

The death of a truly loved one is an important event in anyone’s spiritual life. You can prepare for this… and you have… but you can never know just how you will feel when that which can be imagined becomes earth reality. It can be a time of real spiritual growth or a time or regression. I am still surprised at some who leave Me at such times, feeling that they no longer can relate to a God Who takes away what He has given. Oh, some do return, but others, who don’t finally come on over more than a bit embarrassed by such selfish behavior.

Emphasize that though the song repeats that “you must walk this lonesome valley… by yourself,” the story tells of a relationship with Me that was a real and sustaining one and of a relationship with a son that carried on over into his life. You just can be alone and in relationship “at the same time.” These are balancing aspects of life rather than truths that attempt to compete and conquer the other.

SUN., OCT. 25, 1992, 6:08 AM CST

The words of this old hymn do speak a truth of the Christian faith, and probably you shall speak to it this afternoon. It is a truth, as you discern that is balanced by another, seemingly opposite one. You… or any individual… are on this spiritual/faith journey “by yourself.” You come into the earth with some spiritual history… some karma… from practically none to quite a bit… and this affects what you do in this life. You also have some measure of freedom, and how you use this further . . .

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