You Missed The Fun Part!

WED., OCT. 21, 1998, 8:53 AM

Your presentation last evening was a good one, delivered with a good spirit, with some responses. But, yes, you did “miss the fun part”… you didn’t emphasize that one of the main purposes of life is to have fun, and good health is shown forth when you are enjoying life. And… you’re right in that I didn’t emphasize that in the Teaching I offered you yesterday morn. (I’m glad you went back and got it, and I want you to re-read if after I’m through this day.)

Hey, I did just say it, didn’t I!? One of the main purposes of life is to have fun. Some of your fellow Christians would disagree with this, and would generally doubt that I, Holy Spirit, would affirm such a purpose. But I’ll expand it: one purpose of any life, incarnate or in some spirit realm… or even in spirit form in the earth… is enjoyment. Life is serious… AND… life is “a ball”.

As Jesus I enjoyed My life, and I regret (sorta) that the Gospel stories were all written to emphasize the seriousness of life, with only a few remnants of the fun I had as a human. That story of Me at 12 staying behind at the Temple when My parents were returning home could be seen as an act of disobedience (and it usually isn’t… or it is seen as obedience to Me, My Father). It also could have emphasized that I was having a marvelous time, questioning those old teachers and responding to their questions with wisdom that I just was discovering. It truly is fun to have knowledge (that you didn’t even know you had) and to express it to appreciative folk. You had fun last night with your presentation. It could have been better with a bit more humor.

The emphasis in My “end of earth life” story is on My suffering on the cross. It was a painful experience, but I had a full sense of what this would mean, to humans years later… and thus I can say, without denying the pain, that it was a fun experience. I “had the picture” of the event, and I couldn’t help but enjoy it. At various times in your life you’ve fantasized about some heroic death, and how joyous it would be to give your life for some worthwhile person, persons, or cause. If you can do this, imagine My capability!

You often comment to Me on the wonder of the place where you live, and how you enjoy this university scene. It is fun to be remembered by some of the “old-time” students, and to get acquainted with some of the “new ones”. You are sorry that you’ve lost the guitar-playing strength, but you’ll adapt in some fun ways. As you recounted your life last evening you could feel the fun in most of the events you described. You can forget the defeats. Cherish the memories of victories, in rather wide variety.

It isn’t fun to be in pain, but it is fun to remember going downstairs in the night and being able to sleep in your big, old rocking chair. You remember, each time you tell the story, how “joyous” you felt that time you fell into the (9:10 / 9:36) barbed wire fence, working with John Patrick on a beautiful day. The pain did not overcome the pleasure of that whole “scene”.

You also remarked, recently, on the fun that this Y2K disaster could be, and I liked that spirit. It is likely to be disastrous for a time, but it may also push your culture back to other ways of adapting. You could even suspect that I could have been part of the cause… as a test of the humorous spirit of My humans.

WED., OCT. 21, 1998, 8:53 AM

Your presentation last evening was a good one, delivered with a good spirit, with some responses. But, yes, you did “miss the fun part”… you didn’t emphasize that one of the main purposes of life is to have fun, and good health is shown forth when you are enjoying life. And… you’re right in that I didn’t emphasize that in the Teaching I offered you yesterday morn. (I’m glad you went back and got it, and I want you to re-read if after I’m through . . .

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