“… You Must Have Faith… And Believe…”

TUES., JUNE 13, 2000, 6:14 AM

These are words from an old, familiar song/poem that you have presented numerous times. You still know it “by heart”, and it has a special relevance at this time. You are not “thirsted down to your toenails” with reference to money. I have told you, several times, that I shall provide for your needs… and those of Lenore, after you come on back to spirit realms. But how do I, Holy Spirit, provide such a “tangible” as money? Well, I have countless ways.

This phone call has raised the question, “What if it is… ‘real’?” What if I am providing you money that could insure Lenore a less troublesome future? You know that I do have a sense of fun, and you can ima (6:28 / 6:30) gine that I might use this means to help you in your desire to help Lenore.

You are sincere, I know, in not desiring to change your lifestyle toward affluence. If you had the kind of money hinted at in this phone call you would give most of it away, to family members, to the church and to other “good causes”. But, of course, you don’t have the money. Can you be as generous in actuality as you can be “imagining”? So, if I do “agree” that you should be such a “winner” you would have to see it as a true test of your spirit. Do I want to test you in this “creative way”?

The only way you can find out is to follow the instructions and “give of yourself ‘fore you’re worthy to receive.” It’s not good, rational “business sense” to send forth this amount of money, so what do I recommend that you do?

If your motivations are “right”… that’s what’s important. You would be “investing in Me”, with the faith and the belief that I can “arrange this”, giving you opportunities to give… that you have had only minimally. It would be fun to be able to help your children and their children in ways and in amounts that are not possible now. You have given to John Patrick from your parents’ “inheritance”, without thought of “return”… except in care for Lenore “after”… It would be fun to be able to do this more often and with more people.

Yet you are aware… cautiously aware… that this could be just a scam, to which you are contributing, with false hope. So you do have to be willing to lose this money that you do have now. You have to accept that, “in the real world” it is unlikely that you are a “winner” of unearned monies.

And then I’ll remind you, yet again, that this that We are doing now is not rational. Am I, Holy Spirit, really “talking” to you, at your speed of writing? You must have faith in this “process”. You must believe that I can… and I do… come to you in this mystical way. And, therefore, I could come to you in another, more “lucrative” way. But you also have to believe…. to know… that losing this money… to a scam… is also a test of your faith in Me. How?

Well, actually receiving some “winnings” would certainly reinforce your faith in Me and My Ways. But losing would be a harder test. Do you still have faith in Me when there is no “reward”?

If you arrange for and send this check you shall be doing so with faith in Me. Yet it is not a test of Our relationship. Whatever you do, do it with faith and belief in Me. No, it isn’t rational, but neither am I. Realize that this money could bring you lots of pain and grief, right along with joys and satisfactions. Would I be responsible for all of this. Well, you know Me. I’m a not-very-silent partner in your life and whatever happens… I cause or I allow.

TUES., JUNE 13, 2000, 6:14 AM

These are words from an old, familiar song/poem that you have presented numerous times. You still know it “by heart”, and it has a special relevance at this time. You are not “thirsted down to your toenails” with reference to money. I have told you, several times, that I shall provide for your needs… and those of Lenore, after you come on back to spirit realms. But how do I, Holy Spirit, provide such a “tangible” as money? Well, I have countless ways.

This phone call has raised the question . . .

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