You Remembered!

TUES., MAY 10, 1994, 7:31 AM

Here you are, o son, with some slight aching in your legs, probably from some excess in lifting yesterday. This should pass, as your healing progresses… but it is important that you are with Me in this special way on this day. For it is now 15 years since the incident with the manuscript, which brought forth bargaining, from which came your promise to begin each day with a meditation involving some writing. This day is the anniversary of that promise, and tomorrow will begin the 16th year of what We now call Teachings, your personal contact with Me, the Holy Spirit of the Lord God.

Much has happened in your life during these years, and a number of such happenings are recorded in the written, typed, and computer-generated pages that you have written, in hearing Me. It is a special kind of “journal”, for it is a record of My reactions to events, as well as My interpretation of your feelings and actions at the time. You just proved this point yesterday morning as you read over some of the full Teachings concerning your son Matthew, he who still resists My call. You were reading quite a unique record of events in his life, and yours, containing the constant assurance that I care about him and continue to patiently await his “turning.”

Now know, of course, that this is somewhat of a version of the “one lost sheep” story that I told, as Jesus. Your fourth son, Peter, left his earth life rather suddenly over 17 years ago, but, as I’ve told you repeatedly, Pete is with Me and is developing well in a less stressful realm. He is still a part of your family, even as he is now aware of life in a much wider way. So he is safely in the fold with Me.

Your son Michael, #2, picked up an evangelical mantle as he surfed in Hawaii, wore it well as he studied at Bethany, and then experienced the rather odd metamorphisis to the hoary old Orthodox tradition. Outwardly he is supremely Orthodox, dedicated to Me in this highly liturgical way. In his spirit he is a fascinating amalgam of the evangelical, his Presbyterian heritage, and the “grafting on” of Orthodox ways of worshipping and serving. He is solidly with Me, but with several “facets.”

Oldest son, Bob, also had some evangelical experiences that pulled him away from your Presbyterian “realm,” but kept him, for a time, with evangelical Presbyterians. Yet he, too, was moving in a more liturgical direction. He seems more comfortable in describing himself as an Anglican than as an Episcopalian, but, whatever his “designation” he is an ardent Christian, and I did help, just a bit, with this getting this new job, one that, should be quite more satisfying than his present one. I hear his prayers, and I bolster him in his times of disappointment and depression.

And then there is John Patrick, he who has ranged the farthest in his developing spiritual life. He tried for spiritual experiences in drugs, and was active in the new age movement. There was even something spiritual about computers, as he became one enthralled with what these machines could do. This brought him to the Newman Center and under the influence of several of My special priests. He converted and came to accept that Roman Catholic tradition as his own, making his present family life a happy one, religiously. Yet he also accepts the reality of this relationship that you and I have… and the authenticity of these Teachings that come forth from Our times together.

TUES., MAY 10, 1994, 7:31 AM

Here you are, o son, with some slight aching in your legs, probably from some excess in lifting yesterday. This should pass, as your healing progresses… but it is important that you are with Me in this special way on this day. For it is now 15 years since the incident with the manuscript, which brought forth bargaining, from which came your promise to begin each day with a meditation involving some writing. This day is the anniversary of that promise, and tomorrow will begin the 16th year of what We . . .

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