You See… I Can Do It!

FRI., AUG. 3, 2001, 1:49 PM

Yes, o son, you have wondered how I shall finally go about doing what I must do… soon – reduce or at least stop the growth of the human population. This radiation, about which you have read, is not a complete answer, but it is already causing cancer and, therefore, earlier deaths – in adults, children, and fetuses. Radiation, from nuclear weapons, brought about the end of your World War II and has been a factor in preventing some subsequent wars. Radiation can be valuable, if it is used carefully and specifically, but human judgment isn’t consistent enough to keep it as a safe force.

Its presence in the earth now, even if more of such weapons were not employed, is sufficient to shorten the lives of most of those who have been exposed. There are certain “hot spots” in the earth now, but radioactive material will become more widespread, because of the natural weather forces of this planet.

Now… this title does not mean that I have caused this increase in radiation, one of the “forces” that work against continuing good human health. But I have not prevented what has already occurred, so you can see it as a “venture” that I have allowed. No, I am not pleased with cancer as a cause of death, but the humans who have been responsible for this increase in radiation have felt, generally, that the testing and use of nuclear weapons was necessary to maintain “their way of life”… that the risks were worth running.

So… I am concerned for the continuation of the human population, My best creation. Is it significant that these “hot spots” are not in your part of the world, even though Americans were partly responsible for the development of such weapons? Not particularly. It just isn’t “your time” to have noticeable population losses. There will be such a “time.”

It is not My “favorite thing” to be part of the means for stabilizing or reducing human beings. But I do see that human numbers are excessive and human actions are reducing the health of ecosystems. As you know, if there aren’t some actions taken soon the essential “balances” will bring about premature deaths, so I have no “good” choices. It’s just more a matter of when and how.

And don’t forget that I also am involved in modern medicine (though I don’t approve of all that is attempted and done). Some lives are prolonged, and I am pleased with the “saved” portions of such lives. I do enjoy My human creations… mostly… and I am pleased that many of you do turn to Me, in wonderfully diverse ways. While I do see a good deal of human cruelty and disregard for other humans and the environment I also see a lot of love and respect and behaviors that make Me, as the Creator and Sustainer God, quite proud and pleased. You could ask why I didn’t, with the opportunity, make “things” perfect, I’ll reply that I did and I have. I Am basically pleased with this Earth Scene. I just don’t want it to become “unfixable.”

I, of course, have many ways of “working,” but My favorite is working through individual humans and human groups. Oh, I can “change things” without human help, and occasionally I do. Yet I prefer being “less overt.” I don’t like the total consequences of become “too magical.”

Radiation is a wonderfully symbolic force. You humans have discovered, with some help from Me, some uses of this power, some constructive, others quite destructive. It is power, AND it is dangerous. It can be the power for much that is helpful and desirable in human living. But can it be used responsibly? And, another of My laws affirms that when energy is transformed (an energy source, that is) there will be waste, and nuclear waste is some of the worst to deal with. Where can you put such waste? Why should it continue to be lethal to life as a “waste product”?

FRI., AUG. 3, 2001, 1:49 PM

Yes, o son, you have wondered how I shall finally go about doing what I must do… soon – reduce or at least stop the growth of the human population. This radiation, about which you have read, is not a complete answer, but it is already causing cancer and, therefore, earlier deaths – in adults, children, and fetuses. Radiation, from nuclear weapons, brought about the end of your World War II and has been a factor in preventing some subsequent wars. Radiation can be valuable, if it is used carefully and specifically . . .

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