You Think You’re Busy… !

FRI., FEB. 7, 1992, 2:19 PM

In a time when I have encouraged you to slow down and be less frantic in your activities you find yourself noting the evenings out for various events. Yes, it does seem as though you are busy, but with mostly events and appointments that relate to what I would have you be doing. Writing to your first grandson took some time, but these are the kinds of uses of time that I want you to accept. The talk with Kim, the letter to Betty… these are what I encourage.

You know that I, the Holy Spirit, not bound by time or space, can be incredibly “busy,” in ways beyond and different from you, or any human. I have an infinite view of interrelationships, so that I can foresee consequences of actions, even before they seem to occur. I must be constantly considering the relative merits of justice and mercy, and, realistically, with the incredible range of balances. In any instant, most people get what they deserve, but some are being spared from consequences, while a few more are suffering consequences that I see as growth-promoting. It is a marvelous panorama of interaction among holistic individuals, cultures, the physical earth and all of its forms of life, and Me… as Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Christ, and Almighty God, functioning separately, and as One, simultaneously and outside of time. Don’t fret that it seems beyond understanding.

I stimulate actions, I prevent actions, I cause modifications in actions, and I let things happen as they will. In some cases I get credit for more than I actually do. In others I don’t get credit at all for rather significant actions. Fortunately, My ego does not require that I be given credit for all that I do.

And yet I do like prayers. I particularly like prayers of thanks, but, as I’ve told you, because I know that these benefit those who pray more than they do Me. When you thank Me for some action or some happening it means you are recognizing My Presence in your life, however minor the circumstance. I want you to be conscious, as often as possible, of My active presence in your life and in the lives of all humans. I hear every prayer uttered, no matter how structured, or how fleeting. It if is an urgent supplication I respond, most often with “the natural consequences are what is best for you.” I appreciate the concentration upon prayer that those called to a monastic life have developed… and offer to Me. I hear those long, constant prayers, and I am impressed. Yet certainly I do not want all to be like these. For most people, to have some moments of honest prayer, particularly when it isn’t about some emergency, is sufficient to attract My approving attention. With Our son, Michael, I applaud the disciplines he has tried to develop, but what I value most is a turning toward Me, even in a brief moment, in the midst of his busy, demanding business and home life. Those little “Thank you Lord’s” and “What now, Lord?” are moments that I value in My relationship with him.

There is much inequality in earth life. I am in favor of some reduction in this… in some actions that make inequalities recede. But not entirely. I continue to create and to bless unequally. And then there is that mystical truth that can always apply – the last shall be first, and the first, last. It is as much a spiritual challenge to live a comfortable, healthy, powerful life as to lead a lowly, poor, sick, powerless one. In each, and in every combination between, there are successes and failures in earth life. There are good spiritual reasons for some inequalities… and also equally good reasons for some to try to remedy such conditions.

Your culture now seems aware of inequalities in relation to medical care. (I, too, am unwilling to call this “health care.”) This is because there are inequalities in relation to employment…and, importantly, in relation to apparent needs for expensive medical treatment. If there as true concern for equality there would be… every one paying an equal tax to pay for universal access… OR… I am involved in this issue, but I can’t tell you have it should “Come out.”

FRI., FEB. 7, 1992, 2:19 PM

In a time when I have encouraged you to slow down and be less frantic in your activities you find yourself noting the evenings out for various events. Yes, it does seem as though you are busy, but with mostly events and appointments that relate to what I would have you be doing. Writing to your first grandson took some time, but these are the kinds of uses of time that I want you to accept. The talk with Kim, the letter to Betty… these are what I encourage.

You know . . .

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