You’ll Speak On “Substances”…

TUES., MAY 19, 1998, 3:40 PM

You feel that you are “ready” for the task tomorrow, even as you are not absolutely certain what it is. You are becoming decreasingly dependable; this is an aspect of your younger self that tends to be lost as you become elderly. But I’m pleased that you’re here on a warm, Spring afternoon to accept a bit of help with what you will say and do tomorrow.

The topic is the one that was your favorite for many years… substances that modify mood and behavior. It is not now something you speak on frequently, and so I like the idea (or was it really Mine) of using student reaction papers to illustrate your academic points. In the years before this left hand lost most of its functionality you would have sung songs and told stories. Now you let some of these former students tell their stories, which are now better and more varied than yours alone. But you encouraged their writing these, and thus they are yours to share as quite pertinent illustrations.

Be sure and emphasize the values in the “teaching another” assignment… but also the dangers in revealing imperfect behaviors and desires. Note that this is the bedrock of AA and other self-mutual help groups that do much to emphasize the spiritual aspect of the behaviors (including addiction) and the need for hurting people to help one another.

You’ll say, I’m sure, that many of these “substances” are found naturally in My Earth. Human ingenuity has worked out ways to make some of these more concentrated; for medications that reduce pain this is good; for recreational uses it increases their danger. You have to assume, then, don’t you, that I created natural plants and other substances that would stimulate the human person… depress other human persons… and, even, cause or allow psychedelic experiences, that can be pleasing or scary.

With all of the dominance that you humans consider to be your “right”, you sometimes don’t want to give Me credit for what you have… and even insist that My world needs much improvement… that only you can provide. I knew, of course, that the human mind (second in importance only to the human spirit) would devise ways to improve on My basic “provisions”. I’m pleased with some and not so happy with others.

Drugs are fundamentally good, for they help to maintain and improve human functioning. But anything with positive power can be misused and finally, abused. I knew this would happen, but I’ve certainly learned, over these many years of association with you humans, that results cannot always be “good”. For example (and this is not an easy one to attribute to Me) with the world population of humans what it is (and growing, still) the loss of lives, in childhood and in youth, is coming to be a good. Thus, when lives are cut short because of intoxication or the crime that is “necessary” to deal some drugs. I am not greatly concerned. Remember that lives continue on in spirit realms. Physical earth life is really just a novelty. It is not to be hallowed too excessively.

As some of the stories you’ve selected tell, some apparently terrible circumstances can be the stimuli for some young people to live their lives differently. You can learn from “horrible examples”. And you can choose to live differently from the experience of family home. Use your example of alcohol and marijuana being, in the effects of their use, much like marriage and automobiles. Marriage is a wonderful institution, from Me, and mostly it is a positive factor in people’s lives. Yet it is a source of sorrow, pain, abuse, and … and a threat to the lives of some. Automobiles are human developments that make for convenience, speed, and comfort in traveling, but many of you are killed or injured each year by automobiles.

TUES., MAY 19, 1998, 3:40 PM

You feel that you are “ready” for the task tomorrow, even as you are not absolutely certain what it is. You are becoming decreasingly dependable; this is an aspect of your younger self that tends to be lost as you become elderly. But I’m pleased that you’re here on a warm, Spring afternoon to accept a bit of help with what you will say and do tomorrow.

The topic is the one that was your favorite for many years… substances that modify mood and behavior. It is not now . . .

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