You’ll Talk About Death…

Sept. 22, 1996, Sun., 6:16 AM
Farm Study

When I want you here, and when you want to be here with Me sleep rarely can interfere.  You didn’t even need the alarm.  It was time, and you knew it.  You haven’t given this session of the Sunday morning Forum much preparation… except for now 20 years of teaching your university course each semester.  But you won’t be sorry for a few reminders, I’m sure.


As you shall say, death is an important part of the Christian perspective on life.  As Jesus, I gave up My life that all who believe in Me shall have everlasting, eternal life, in close relationship with Me and with others who have so believed.  This is standard doctrine… and it is Truth (of a sort).  You prefer the interpretation from Hebrews (Yes, go ahead and look it up, so you’ll have it 6:30 / 6:31)… that I tasted death, but I was of the order of Melchezidik who was not born and did not die.  That is, I was before My birth, and I equally “was” and am after My death.

The other evening at St. Andrews you were struck with the intensity that Lutheran pastor displayed about the necessity for My dying, as Jesus.  That didn’t seem important to you, and I tell you that it isn’t, for spirit is the essence of life, and spirit lives on.  Dropping the body is often a relief, along with a mind that no longer functions normally and emotions that are inappropriate for familiar situations.

As I have told you before some spirits do “go to sleep”, because of the earth life just completed or because of immaturity.  There can be “risings” from such a “hibernation”, but since this all occurs outside of time it can’t be explained in a time frame.  Anyway, it’s not important to you, because you will be fully aware and fully ready for life evaluation with Me.

The body, when it ceases to function and is “dead” should be returned to the earth as a source of food, for future life.  Oh, I have no big objection to your body going to the medical school… except, as you know, I have no great aloha for medical practices that “miraculously” and expensively keep people alive beyond their time.  But some medical practice is needed, and cadavers are important to the education of all who practice this art.  Cremation simplifies the “distribution” process, bit it wastes “food value”, as well as non-renewable energy in your high-tech process.

You needn’t dwell on the reincarnation perspective this morning, but be as positive in its presentation as with the others.  Its premise is that life in the spirit is continuous until there is an enlightenment that is either earned or just accepted.  In Christian terms it is Grace, the acceptance of My sacrifice for you.  Then your individuality, as a spirit, is no longer necessary, and you easily and willingly become part of Me, again, from whence you came… the ultimate circle (though it is long and tortuous for some).


Sept. 22, 1996, Sun., 6:16 AM
Farm Study

When I want you here, and when you want to be here with Me sleep rarely can interfere.  You didn’t even need the alarm.  It was time, and you knew it.  You haven’t given this session of the Sunday morning Forum much preparation… except for now 20 years of teaching your university course each semester.  But you won’t be sorry for a few reminders, I’m sure.


As you shall say, death is an important part of the Christian perspective on life.  As Jesus, I gave up . . .

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