“Young” Spirits

SUN., DEC. 13, 1987, 5:53 AM

Yesterday you spent in much contact and interaction with two spirits, young in their bodies. These two grandsons represent well the developing human in your culture. Robertino has beginning command of language, and therefore he is beginning to comprehend the world in which he lives. He recognizes numbers, can make appropriate animal sounds, almost knows (or can say) a pre-meal prayer, and possesses increasing concepts as his vocabulary grows. Gabriel is pre-language, but awareness of himself as a being with distinctiveness from others is beginning to dawn. He still drops things, dirties his diaper, and knows very little of what even his brother does, let alone what he shall know in ten or twenty years. Yet the development is obvious. He is becoming a little human.

I use these observations as an analog to spiritual development. In relation to orthodox Christianity this is a fringe to heretical interpretation. You still must be cautious in sharing this, for it will compromise your credibility with many, even in your own family. Nevertheless I offer it to you, as I have to selected Christians through the ages. Despite its departure from orthodox “theology”… interpretations of the reality I have created here in the earth and of the Holy Scriptures I have allowed to be assembled… it has a continuous history throughout the Christian era. It is a little “game” I enjoy, with no adverse consequences to anyone.

How can this be? If you should get someone a truly fine gift for Christmas but would keep it a secret until it was opened would anyone legitimately feel that this was cruel or harmful? Particularly if the recipient expected nothing… or something else… the surprise gift – the best one possible – would be very pleasing and most appreciated. Isn’t it all right to keep the identity of certain gifts secret? Isn’t this little aspect of human interaction seen as delightful and desirable and to be continued in ever new forms? Wouldn’t it seem strange if someone said, “Now tell me honestly exactly what you got me for Christmas, everything… in detail. I have a right to know ahead of the time of opening.”?

Well, in an analogous way the gift of continuing life and the opportunities to develop further in spirit, in the earth or in other realms, is one of My greatest, and I choose to keep it secret from most Christians. Then when they die an earthly death they experience various amounts of surprise and appreciation for this gift. Just as a person might feel some ambivalence in receiving a marvelous gift INSTEAD OF another good one he expected, so some feel comparably when the “sheep” are not clearly separated from the “goats” and when they see a passive existence in an idyllic heaven as less than the best alternative.

So, young spirits are those spirits like unto the mental and physical development of Robertino and Gabriel. One such may be quite old in years, quite wise in the ways of her culture, and even quite familiar with the Holy Scriptures and quite sincere in her belief in Me as God in Jesus Christ. And yet such a one has not developed the awareness of My continuing gift – the opportunity to grow in spirit and live selflessly for others, finally returning to become part of Me voluntarily, with no more reason to be an individual spirit.

SUN., DEC. 13, 1987, 5:53 AM

Yesterday you spent in much contact and interaction with two spirits, young in their bodies. These two grandsons represent well the developing human in your culture. Robertino has beginning command of language, and therefore he is beginning to comprehend the world in which he lives. He recognizes numbers, can make appropriate animal sounds, almost knows (or can say) a pre-meal prayer, and possesses increasing concepts as his vocabulary grows. Gabriel is pre-language, but awareness of himself as a being with distinctiveness from others is beginning to dawn. He still . . .

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