Your Children

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1981, 5:16 AM

Hear, o son, some words of wisdom and direction about your children. Five blessings you have received, though it is true that each of these blessings has been mixed with some pain… not unusual for a blessing of Mine in the world I have created and still operate.

Peter’s life with you was short, compared with the potential length of that relationship. It generated pain, of course, but you are a better person for having been his father and dealt with his rebellions and angers. For this gave you the unique opportunity for encountering and appreciating the spirit that was in that Peter. This spirit continues to grow and develop, having achieved some important learnings, even though the short life seemed full of relative failure. He helps when he can with your family, but his orientations now are in other directions.

John Patrick is the son who asked that I speak to you of him. First, let Me repeat what I have said before: his is the most highly developed spirit among your sons, though he is not exhibiting that potential very often or consistently in his interaction with you or the rest of the family. That is part of the conflict he frequently shows… a spirit aware of its origin, its path, and its destiny, struggling with responsibilities taken on early and with feelings of need for personal satisfaction. The struggle is a fair one, for his spirit is capable and unlikely to lose out… yet there is a sadness in him and in Me that such a struggle is necessary at this time. You are right in seeing that one of his great potentials is in the academic life, but it would take great effort for him (and for Maggie) to achieve in this realm now. He has made mistakes that were unnecessary in reducing the possibilities for academic development. His writings could be a contribution helpful to some, but he needs an economic base from which to operate. This is the present struggle.

You must use all of your wisdom, combined with that of Lenore, to discern when financial help is truly helpful and when it perpetuates certain habits that are counter to his spiritual development.

Maggie is basically a good companion for him, as he is for her. Her struggles are similar, which makes for inevitable clashes as they live and develop together. They each have given their spirits a mighty challenge in their union. They could achieve much together, but there is also the possibility that the conflict will be too great… that one or both will crumple under the pressure. A direct relationship with Me would help, but they seem to need to achieve that in circuitous ways. Too bad. I can also be reached much more directly.

Matthew continues his life direction away from relationship with Me, yet hear again that I have a special need for him, and I shall only let him wander so far. He shall come, finally, for I shall “make him an offer he cannot turn down”. Most people I let wander; some I call. And I shall call him.

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1981, 5:16 AM

Hear, o son, some words of wisdom and direction about your children. Five blessings you have received, though it is true that each of these blessings has been mixed with some pain… not unusual for a blessing of Mine in the world I have created and still operate.

Peter’s life with you was short, compared with the potential length of that relationship. It generated pain, of course, but you are a better person for having been his father and dealt with his rebellions and angers. For this gave you the . . .

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