Your Culture… Both/And Reliance

FRI., MAR. 12, 1993, 6:25 AM

This culture of yours has a divided reliance, which, I say, is preferable to being totally one way. Now if I had created so that every citizen of your United States was supposed to be a Christian of like conviction, temperament, and “style” then it would be appropriate for your culture to acknowledge Me fully, Me alone, and in a prescribed fashion. To protect you from such an inappropriate government you instituted a constitutional amendment that forbids the establishment of any Religion or particular form of religion as the standard for everyone.

Yet your pledge says, “… one nation, under God, indivisible…” acknowledging that you do fundamentally live under My Power, even if undefined. Your currency proclaims, “In God we trust,” even as your typical balance is toward self reliance. Many people in your strong and sometimes maligned middle-class want their children to go to Sunday School but also teach toward self-control and self confidence… toward “you can do it!”

Your culture wants to avoid reliance on other cultures, even as it takes actions that makes other nations somewhat dependent on you. You try to use the power you have developed and accumulated as infrequently as possible, but when you “have to” it can be wielded in a powerful fashion.

Some of your power, I must admit, comes from your high entropy manufacturing system, producing necessities, luxuries, and everything in between. Again I say, of this I cannot approve, because of what I see this doing to the earth and its total environment. It represents a selfishness that benefits the present at the expense of the future. I needn’t produce a miraculous end-of-the-world scenario. A natural, but slower, one is now in place.

And yet I realize that some earthly good does flow from your culture’s production, and the dismantling of your system would bring on much suffering. Some would turn to me. Others would turn away vehemently and react like animals, as a few do now. From My perspective there can be no ideal culture, with the numbers you have. This is why I call for balance, for as soon as some have to be forced to be a certain way that way, good as it inherently is, becomes a form of evil.

Consider how your culture would be if the only way to be was Roman Catholic Christian, that with the most adherents. Governmental actions would be subject to approval by the Pope, and even parish priests would have more power than they could handle. How would the culture force people to come to Mass and participate fully in it? Or would the culture “fight back” and force certain changes in the Church? Could the Church survive being both the leader of the culture and the gentle religion of Jesus Christ? (Remember that I did not take the government upon My shoulders.)

It would be equally bizarre to have a more Pentecostal Christianity in charge of the nation. I won’t go into detail, but you can imagine the number of revelations and messages from Me that would be influencing your government. Your Presbyterian system would be the closest to succeeding, but you are far from the most popular Christian group. The center… or average… sometimes represents actually only a few.

FRI., MAR. 12, 1993, 6:25 AM

This culture of yours has a divided reliance, which, I say, is preferable to being totally one way. Now if I had created so that every citizen of your United States was supposed to be a Christian of like conviction, temperament, and “style” then it would be appropriate for your culture to acknowledge Me fully, Me alone, and in a prescribed fashion. To protect you from such an inappropriate government you instituted a constitutional amendment that forbids the establishment of any Religion or particular form of religion as the standard for . . .

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