Your Farm… A Haven?

FRI., JAN. 12, 1996, 12:42 PM

It was not your plan for this morning to review tapes that could be (and have been) useful for the classes that commence next Tuesday. As you come to this time of Teaching you naturally pose the question as to whether I, the Holy Spirit, your Counselor and Teacher, influenced what you saw. There was nothing on the label that indicated the segment that you taped, a few years ago, on Japan and the attempts to maintain there some of the values, practices, and beauty of simpler times… in the midst of a modern, technological culture. Yet there it was, and it has brought forth two responses.

One is the premise of using it as part of the introduction to your Environment class. The other is the personal challenge to keep developing your Farm so that it is a haven from the culture that, like that of Japan, is rushing toward more “modern” development. I approve of the first premise. Try it and see what happens. It could be a better balance than all words and visuals. The other, obviously, provokes this Teaching.

I have led you toward the plan for your retirement, now tentatively set for next year. Oh, it has seemed like your own concept, but you know by now that I feel quite free to influence you in ways to My liking. I do this with many of My especially chosen humans, but only a few, relatively, are as aware as you are of this “help”. I still say, in the Christian tradition, as well as in several others, that the main evidence for enlightenment is the increasing realization of My regular participation in your life. Cast aside the value that you must make the decisions in your life. Instead, be aware of and appreciate (familiar terms!) My directions and suggestions about earth life. As you become even more comfortable with this active relationship you will be less concerned when you don’t follow as I lead… for you’ll know that if it is important to Me I’ll “bring it up again, and again”. Remember, time is of little import to Me.

This is a time of winter, and thus you can do relatively little outside to improve and beautify your “haven”. So give attention to your study, which should be a haven within a haven. Soon you shall not have this fine office as another haven. This means some judgments about what, from here, you should keep and what should be “passed on”, in some ways. This means a careful assessment of your bookshelves in the Farmhouse… and then some clean-up of the attic and the barn for storage. The change of your desk is not essential, but it could be a good shift, after these many years as it now is. Yes, it would give you an improved view of sunrise.

Though I have no objection to your love of “puttering” I do want you to consider changes and improvements on the outside, with some plans and priorities. If there are to be some new long-term plantings these should be started, as Spring comes. Yes, some trees can be cut down and others trimmed. You needn’t be hamstrung by a To Do list, but it could help.

From time to time you consider a fountain outside the window. That could be a beautiful addition. Continue to envision. A new rose garden is begun. Continue that plan. Oh, there is much that could be done, but you needn’t be frustrated with such. Your life will slow its pace. You’ll miss some of what you enjoy now, but quickly you’ll see the relevance of your “new life”.

FRI., JAN. 12, 1996, 12:42 PM

It was not your plan for this morning to review tapes that could be (and have been) useful for the classes that commence next Tuesday. As you come to this time of Teaching you naturally pose the question as to whether I, the Holy Spirit, your Counselor and Teacher, influenced what you saw. There was nothing on the label that indicated the segment that you taped, a few years ago, on Japan and the attempts to maintain there some of the values, practices, and beauty of simpler times… in the midst . . .

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