Your Heart Doth Sing!

MAY 26, 1979, 6:40 AM

Hearts do sing, o son, when the Spirit makes connection. The morning time is the time I purpose for you to learn, and from thence shall come a singing heart. You have heard the phrase, o man, the “music of the spheres”; well, this is what you will hear. But it shall come from within yourself, for inside of you is ultimately the same as “the spheres”… or all that is beyond.

The singing will be of different sorts. There will be gentle, tinkling songs… and then songs of great splendor. The song will come, most often, not about the content of experiences – the illustrations of rhythm in life – but from recognizing the rhythm and knowing that God, in Spirit, is living in you. For as I live in you, there is rhythm. For this is what health is.

Yesterday you saw the evidence that you were not rated the best teacher… and the tone went down. But then my young servant, Art came in, and it was clear that you have affected his life and will continue to do so… and the tone was up. Then the song came, and you heard it but faintly, as you realized this manifestation of rhythm. Even the words of the editors also elicited a song.

Criticism is a part of being and becoming. Being chastened is a sign of being loved… a part of the rhythm. You shall give criticism… you shall chasten, and people will benefit. But then you, too, must accept chastening. And then hear the song that springs from the rhythm of such a juxtaposition.

Heed not just the pleasant, but neither dwell upon the negative and the unpleasant. Want not a static balance, but seek the movement that is health. I shall put within your heart, o son, a new model showing this concept. The old has not yet passed away, but fret not over working hard to develop the newness. I shall present it to you, and then you shall flesh it out and call it yours. To some you shall call it Ours, but lose not its value through identification.

Hearts that hear My voice will know and say Amen. Others shall just appreciate its utility and scope. I am not bothered by this, so why should you be?

The opportunities that lie ahead will be burdensome, but from them will come instruction, too. It is there all the time, but your “tuner” has not been truly connected until now. You shall see more than just jobs and tasks. For instance, there is a reason for your redoing the alcohol paper. You know this now, but you know not what it is. Look… be aware… and your heart will sing a better song.

The day will be a full one.

It crosses your mind that this writing exercise is both a review and a preview of events and realities of life as it flows. True. But with this pen and in this time we co-create (the word is an apt one!) the meanings and the purposes. I join you and give structure and direction to your mind’s searching. And, as I said, I am with you at other times, also… nudging you to notice, leading you to appreciate.

MAY 26, 1979, 6:40 AM

Hearts do sing, o son, when the Spirit makes connection. The morning time is the time I purpose for you to learn, and from thence shall come a singing heart. You have heard the phrase, o man, the “music of the spheres”; well, this is what you will hear. But it shall come from within yourself, for inside of you is ultimately the same as “the spheres”… or all that is beyond.

The singing will be of different sorts. There will be gentle, tinkling songs… and then songs of great splendor. The song will . . .

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