Your Life…

THURS., JAN. 9, 1997, 8:12 PM

Yours has been a good life thus far, quite above average, actually. You grew up in a well-functioning family, did well in school, and had some successes in your teen and young adult years. You married the girl who was just right for you, and you moved toward the career you now are close to finishing. You were a little better at teenage parenting than you judge yourself, but, true, you weren’t outstanding.

Each of your sons, except Peter, is now a man, three of them with teens of their own, and opportunities to accomplish these parental tasks better than you did. Resist any temptations to wish them some of the experiences you remember… though I have to assure you that your spirit did grow as a result of some of those events and circumstances.

I’ll remind you again of the contrast of you and your sister, Joanne. She had a painful, crippling disease and four children who seemed much more “ideal” than yours. You had years of crisis and less ideal sons… and… a painless, well-functioning body. You have more education, and the satisfactions that has made possible. She has more means, with the satisfactions therefrom. One is not better than the other, just different, with different opportunities for spiritual growth.

One of the sons who was most difficult, John Patrick, is now the one closest to you and the most attuned to these Teachings and what these represent, spiritually. You are pleased that at least one son accepts Our relationship, and have some deserved sadness that it is only one.

Matthew is the enigma. He, too, was a son with struggles through his teen years, complicated, in this culture, by his coming to see himself as gay. You have had many experiences with gay students, and these helped in your acceptance of him, as he is. Yet he also is rich, with values quite different from yours in relation to money and its relationship to the good life. And also I have told you that he eventually shall come closer to Me, and you will be a means to that.

His life is a strange one, when compared to yours. His friendship with and toward Jameel is, objectively, one with dangers. Still, he is offering this young man opportunities he wouldn’t have had on his island, and he took Jameel out of a situation ( 8:45 / 9:50 ) that was unpleasant, unrewarding. And you heard Matthew inquire, in an indirect way, about Me… and these Teachings. He has some good motives, intermixed with ones that are not good for his spiritual development… My major concern. Keep in touch with him. He may be about ready to be more concerned with his spirit.

Lenore chided you a bit today about your reluctance to be more open about Our relationship… and you wonder whether I’m somehow responsible for such a reaction. Oh, I’d like you to be more willing to admit to this “gift”… person to person, as you do on paper in Our Ruminations. Yet I must assert that your “mission” is not to be a famous… or infamous… “evangelist”… the purveyor of New Truth.

Your mission is to be faithful in this peculiar meditation, writing what you hear from Me. This is changing your life in some ways, but there’s little chance you will ever be noted for what you have written, in any spectacular way. It is making you a better teacher, by My criteria, and you shall continue to have influences, even after your active career is pau. More of your students are going forth with a more comfortable and natural sense that spirit is an important factor in health. I want that to happen, and you are helping, as are more and more of those you influenced.

THURS., JAN. 9, 1997, 8:12 PM

Yours has been a good life thus far, quite above average, actually. You grew up in a well-functioning family, did well in school, and had some successes in your teen and young adult years. You married the girl who was just right for you, and you moved toward the career you now are close to finishing. You were a little better at teenage parenting than you judge yourself, but, true, you weren’t outstanding.

Each of your sons, except Peter, is now a man, three of them with teens of . . .

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