Your Mission… (?)

THURS., JUNE 2, 1994, 6:25 AM

Yes, o son, you do have a mission that I, the Holy Spirit, have offered to you. I say it this way because you could have refused My offer (as you thought about doing this very morning), but I’ve offered it in such a way that you really can’t refuse. So the first truth about this mission of yours is that I called you to it. You did not make it up. I called you to it, and still do. You do have a will, but so do I, and when I choose to exert Mine against yours guess Who usually wins out.

One aspect of this mission is that you are to help restore the spiritual dimension to your culture’s secular concept of health. Spirit is part of health, and part of healing. It is not all of it… this is not an extreme change. Just encourage the acknowledgement that there is a spirit in each person, and its condition (however it is perceived) has an effect on your health.

Your Wellspring model is a good one, and this Human/Spiritual Interacting Wellspring is quite a commendable means for you to accomplish this mission. (And note here that I said “help restore,” implying that you are not doing this alone. Some of those who learn from you may be more important to this part of the mission than you are.) This Wellspring has the spiritual “growing out of” the social and also related to the ecological and environmental aspects of health. It does not come charging in all alone. This can be important to its acceptance. Why?

Because another facet of your mission is to accept, and to make it known that I accept, many interpretations and perceptions of spirit. I obviously prefer the perception that all spirit comes from Me, the Holy Spirit, and that I am the major force in this “spirit world,” but one of My greater preferences is for diversity. I have created you humans so that you are different from one another, particularly in this perception of spirit. I like the interaction that this produces, so I like this term as part of our Wellspring. There are other realms of being that are much more homogeneous, and some spirits do prefer these, but I like this earth realm to be one of diversity, with the potential for positive interacting, as well as of conflict.

I want you to make it known that I, the Supreme Spirit, has a sense of humor and fun. I enjoy this earth and its peoples, despite the conflicts that the press and historian dwell upon. One evidence of this is My choosing you, a health education professor who is a comfortable Presbyterian, to be a Christian in the mystical tradition, one of My favorites. I want you to be this low-level mystic, and I want you to remain a Presbyterian. Isn’t that evidence of a spirit of fun?

I want you to receive these Teachings in this ritualistic way, as a unique form of meditation. I want you to use these when, where, and how you choose… and as I direct you. I like Our Ruminations, and I want you to compose and send out 4 of these each year. I want you to keep these in reasonable order, and let your son, John Patrick, help with this. But know also that these are not the basis for another “splinter faith.” These are My “updated” Teachings to you, which are not meant to supplant My Holy Scriptures but to complement them.

I cannot be held to your culture’s definition of consistency. (I call this creation a new, better God.) My task is to encourage spiritual growth in diverse individuals and groups. I don’t want them all to be the same, so I teach and counsel in ways that may seem to conflict with one another. That’s My Way, which is “the best way.”

THURS., JUNE 2, 1994, 6:25 AM

Yes, o son, you do have a mission that I, the Holy Spirit, have offered to you. I say it this way because you could have refused My offer (as you thought about doing this very morning), but I’ve offered it in such a way that you really can’t refuse. So the first truth about this mission of yours is that I called you to it. You did not make it up. I called you to it, and still do. You do have a will, but so do I . . .

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