Your Mixed (Up) Life

WED., DEC. 19, 1990, 6:46 AM

Having given you this title I must immediately explain its meaning. It shall signal a revisiting of the idea that you are both a rather “standard,” middle class, well-educated American AND a mystic, like unto mystics of all ages. You are more like the mystics that never have been publicized, and who just have kept doing whatever they normally did, keeping their mystical experiences rather “quiet.” I have no objection to this, as long as you do share Teachings with some people and write and send out Our Ruminations each quarter. This latter, of course, does expose you as a mystic, if readers care to interpret what they read in the elite type as thoughts genuinely from Me, the Holy Spirit, in this present time.

I have offered you thoughts recently, o son, on My sense of humor and fun. Well, one example of this, throughout human history and right up into the present, is My practice of “raising up” mystics in unlikely places and circumstances. Now your situation is not bizarre, but it still is rather unlikely. Though you are an admitted born-again Christian, you are not “charismatic” (as it is generally applied), and you are an active Presbyterian, one of the more rational, organized, democratic denominations. So, I say that it is fun to “create” and maintain a Presbyterian mystic.

One reason I have done this I have frequently shared with you: you are to be a leader in reestablishing the acceptance of a spiritual dimension to the health of humans and in considering the health of the earth. To do this I need you to be a well-established professional in your field, and this is why I continue to urge you to write some professional papers that will keep your name and your writings well-known, even among the young in your field.

To do this well you must have insights beyond your own and beyond those of other human writers. So I generously provide these, usually here in the early morning… but you continue to be adaptable and can receive My Teachings at other times and in a variety of circumstances. You have only a small realization of how these Teachings, over these more than eleven years, have affected your thinking and your interpretations of life. Increasingly you have to admit that your views of many life events are strongly affected, even determined, by My influence.

Presbyterians, and most Americans, would not deny that there is something called the Holy Spirit as “part of” the Triune God of Christianity. Yet few would take seriously the claim that this Spirit does make Himself (Herself) known in quite tangible ways. You have volumes of such evidence, but most would not even want to consider the validity of your claim, if you would make it boldly. If you were writing a professional paper it would be expected that you would quote sources that would be reputable and that would corroborate your assertions. In some papers, such as this long-awaited one on Dubos, you would be putting together the writings of others for better understanding… but these would be well identified, reputable sources.

I call on you to carry on this professional tradition, with Me as the source. I even urge you to identify Me as the Holy Spirit and to humbly but proudly (a fine phrase) assert that you do hear Me regularly and that you write down what you hear. Thus, these green tinted pages are mystical documents. You have heard, and you have written. If you have not heard correctly I shall surely set you right. That’s the advantage of the regularity of Our “visits.”

WED., DEC. 19, 1990, 6:46 AM

Having given you this title I must immediately explain its meaning. It shall signal a revisiting of the idea that you are both a rather “standard,” middle class, well-educated American AND a mystic, like unto mystics of all ages. You are more like the mystics that never have been publicized, and who just have kept doing whatever they normally did, keeping their mystical experiences rather “quiet.” I have no objection to this, as long as you do share Teachings with some people and write and send out Our Ruminations each . . .

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