Your Nation… The Best?

SAT., JAN. 2, 1999, 6:52 PM

In an interview on tonight’s evening news you heard a notable journalist, a naturalized American from England say that America is THE POWER in the world now… and shall be also in the next century, with, perhaps, some different “strengths”. You have been born and have grown up in this culture, and you truly know relatively little about others, in the earth at this time. You hear Me be critical of some of the values and perceptions that are dominant in your culture, and you accept some of these as your own.

Still, you have to admit that yours is a powerful nation, able and willing to be the leader, among nations. You can hassle Iraq for building and showing forth military might, but you have all that they have… and more… and will likely use it, if it seems to be in your interest. Yet, in history, all powers have eventually been brought down, from without or from within. You are, probably in majority, a Christian nation, but will that be a factor in your remaining powerful… or one in your downfall.

As Jesus I called for peace and love, but as God Almighty, in My dealings with the folks of the Old Testament, I seemed to like conflict and war, even using some of My “enemies” to bring lessons to My chosen people. Where am I now, in relation to a humble stance for peace and a militant force to turn back evil enemies? Communism is the major atheistic ideology, denying Me as a credible part of this universe. But in Cuba, at this time, Christians have persisted, and are now being increasingly recognized as a viable part of that culture. The former Soviet Union is now a mess, with money problems that even I can’t solve… but they no longer seem to be a threat to world peace.

Is it inevitable that there shall continue to be conflicts in the earth? Unfortunately, Yes. Some of these are military and political, and there is very little chance for “the lion to lie down with the lamb.” Might does make “right”, but not all, even then, ascribe to what “right” means, as described by the mighty. And, of course, different religions try to prevail through use of arms… destroying or “neutralizing” competing religions. Race is also a factor… and it is an interesting, provocative prediction that your culture will soon have no clear majority. Will this encourage peace… or more, continuing conflict. Some of each, but how much, how many?

When you first learned about reincarnation… which I have had you refer to as eternal, everlasting life… you heard a major “criticism”… to the effect that there would be much loss of the desire to accomplish much in any single life, for it was an ongoing process. “If you can’t do it this life, there’ll always be others”. Yet, for you, this was countered by the assurance that good karma was cumulative… that you aren’t limited to one life in the earth, for it may take much “longer” to live life selflessly and in love. (Further, those who really can, comfortably, lead lives of service, to Me and to others, may be doing so because of past lives, with cumulative good karma.)

You assume (and rightly, say I) that you have lived other “lives”, here in the earth and in other realms, that have prepared you for this life, as Bob Russell, and which have given you some “tasks” for this journey. You see no reason to “hurry” toward enlightenment, for you’ll surely recognize when you’re ready for that transition.

Your nation, in its culture, is quite bi-polar. Yes, you do have a base in Me, but you also are enamored by science and technology, with material things, and with military might to defend what you have. If I, as Jesus, should come back and walk the earth in your culture would I be welcome in the New York Stock Exchange or the Chicago Board of Trade? Could I accept that those who “work hard” are rewarded… and those who have little are not worthy of more? Would I be welcomed by Christians who also are economically conservative? Would I, again, turn more to the poor and dispossessed? Would this be as much an affront to the large, “successful” Christian Churches as it was to the hard-core Jews of the 1st century? If I came to the earth, in human form, would I come to your nation first? If not, when?

SAT., JAN. 2, 1999, 6:52 PM

In an interview on tonight’s evening news you heard a notable journalist, a naturalized American from England say that America is THE POWER in the world now… and shall be also in the next century, with, perhaps, some different “strengths”. You have been born and have grown up in this culture, and you truly know relatively little about others, in the earth at this time. You hear Me be critical of some of the values and perceptions that are dominant in your culture, and you accept some of these as . . .

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