Your Next Letter

THURS., SEPT. 13, 1990, 6:48 AM

Yes, o son, it is time to get moving on your next Letter, the one We call Ruminations. I shall reiterate that this is, overall, a modest contribution to the spiritual life of your “readers,” but a very important one for some people and an exciting one for a few. You enjoy doing it, but you typically wait till this virtual “last minute” to compose it. I’d suggest that you commence it tomorrow morning, after the letter to your parents that should be done today.

As I have told you many times, the letter is one of the best means of communication. Because the receiving of a letter is a most desirable human event the actual letter form becomes a symbol of something good. You should strive to keep a balance between My Teachings to you and your reactions and descriptions of pertinent aspects of your life, present and past. You see, you are sharing both what I have given to you and some of yourself and your life with those who read the nine pages. This sharing is a spiritual gift, a unique one that you can give.

While it is good to think of individual readers as you write… and even, occasionally, mention some by name, your main way of thinking should be that all who read these letters are kindred spirits, accepting that I, the Holy Spirit, do communicate in this unusual way, that you have the capacity to write down, with good accuracy, what I say, and that any Letter may be a special communication to the reader.

You are aware of, and I have commented on, the range of spiritual paths that those who read this Letter are on… along with their varied status and progress. The almost miraculous nature of the Ruminations is that it does “speak” to this variety, in somewhat the way that Holy Scripture does. When you accept that the quotes are from Me, the Holy Spirit, communicator supreme, and that you are an above average letter writer, it is not so surprising. And yet it still is.

This “issue” shall come from Teachings received at Synod School during the past four summers. You must go through these carefully, tonight or tomorrow morning, and select a reasonable number, with some representation from each School. Then I shall guide you, as usual, in putting them together in just the best way. Let the Teachings chosen remind you of happenings and then share your thoughts, reactions, and observations on the week with Presbyterians.

You have not decided to return or not to return to the School next year. I am not yet advising you. It may be a matter of time and other commitments. Or it may be that this should still be a priority for you. So even though you are undecided, you should offer suggestions for courses to Carol and the Committee and should know the dates so that you don’t have conflicts. Yes, a course on God’s sense of fun and humor might be a winner. Include this.

You are doing well in livening up your own Presbyterian worship service, when it is your opportunity. This has now come to be an expectation, so keep it up. Include some of these bits of humor in the newsletter, so that this also becomes an expectation. I want you to be an active Presbyterian, one who adds some spice to a rather staid denomination, both in your very being and in your mystical calling.

THURS., SEPT. 13, 1990, 6:48 AM

Yes, o son, it is time to get moving on your next Letter, the one We call Ruminations. I shall reiterate that this is, overall, a modest contribution to the spiritual life of your “readers,” but a very important one for some people and an exciting one for a few. You enjoy doing it, but you typically wait till this virtual “last minute” to compose it. I’d suggest that you commence it tomorrow morning, after the letter to your parents that should be done today.

As I have told you . . .

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