Your Other “World”

SAT., APR. 1, 1995, 6:57 AM

Here it is, the last day of this convention, and you finally have come to hear from Me. This isn’t a reprimand, for I know you have had the desire to come to this pen and paper, but other matters and opportunities intervened. I have told you repeatedly that you should be an active part of your earth scene as you are now in it. You shall have plenty of “time” to be “pure spirit.” All of your interactions were not as spiritual as I desired, but, all in all, you’ve done rather well.

This is your professional world, manifested in this convention setting. It is one with which you are familiar, and, thus far, there have been no problems, and the expense shall be less than you anticipated. It is a time of balancing professional presentation by colleagues and students with reunions with friends and former students… and some assessment of how the field is moving, or regressing. At your time of life some of the ideas and movements seem positive and promising, while others represent just a circular returning of concerns of yesteryear.

The spiritual, as a dimension of health, is increasingly in evidence to you, though this is still not the perception of many of the participants. You have shown forth your spirit in some good ways, and have turned some conversations in a spiritual direction. Be sure and include some mention of this in the letter you shall write, that shall be another way of binding past and present Salukis together.

I assure you that it is not necessary for you to critique the work of the several present “committees” that are attempting to create some impressive standards for your field. In one sense it is a form of vanity and a chasing after wind (and this you could point out), but in another it is members of your diverse field getting together for human/spiritual interaction… the best kind. You remember, with much pleasure, your association and interaction with those that comprised the S.H.E.S., and you remember it with much pride and pleasure. The fact that it was not the “final and everlasting answer” for health education is something you understand now. Continue to utilize that one concept on which you worked, on into your present and future teaching.

There shall be more opportunities today for conversations that could be important ones. Slowly you are becoming more comfortable in speaking of spirit, and as you lead in this way, many others will follow, in diverse ways and responses. Continue to shed the fear that you will be seen as some religious fanatic. Most will be pleased to be excluded. Only a few will be “turned off.”

You suspect that I was with you and helping you in your good talk with Bob and his “newfound passion.” Together we offered him some suggestions that can help him get moving in this direction of helping fathers be fathers. Yes, this was something like angelic action, except your help was coming direct from “The Big Boss.”

Know that what you are doing and being at these conventions… the “world” connected to but separate from your professorial world and related very slightly to your home-Farm-personal life… is service to Me and is an encouragement of spirit in others. It is one of your opportunities and “gifts.” Continue to feel its importance.

SAT., APR. 1, 1995, 6:57 AM

Here it is, the last day of this convention, and you finally have come to hear from Me. This isn’t a reprimand, for I know you have had the desire to come to this pen and paper, but other matters and opportunities intervened. I have told you repeatedly that you should be an active part of your earth scene as you are now in it. You shall have plenty of “time” to be “pure spirit.” All of your interactions were not as spiritual as I desired, but, all in all . . .

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