Your Own Pentecost

SUN., MAY 20, 1990, 6:16 AM

You remembered this anniversary, o son, but you weren’t prepared to hear Me this morning, even as you awoke early enough. So I just arranged this time, after your safe and speedy trip, and here We are, as We should be.

Your awakening this morning was a bit worrisome, but you reacted as you should. One evening of overindulgence is to be matched by 5 ½ days of aridity. Such bargains are acceptable to Me. I do not want your life shortened or your mind damaged so that you can no longer serve Me in this teaching way, but I am not bothered by occasional “mistakes.” I do not call on you to be a paragon of virtue, but to be faithful to Me and My plan for you. Remember good old Noah. He made a fool of himself and then compounded the misdeed. And yet he remained My faithful servant, and he was not cast out.

In effect, this is the eleventh anniversary of your own little Pentecost. I came to you on this date, and I took over your writing, offering you what We now call Teachings… a kind of up-date of My, the Holy Spirit’s, observations and comments on current life, and particularly the one you lead. It was not meant that all should accept these as genuine. As Jesus, even I was criticized as one whose teachings did not match or fulfill the then Holy Scriptures. You shall not be crucified for what you write and then claim, but if I forced you to “go public” you would be in a heap of trouble, mostly from your fellow Christian, those who are modern day Pharisees.

Pentecost was My symbolic entrance into the earth scene as the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus the Christ. I became recognized and established as a legitimate aspect of the Godhead, now seen as Triune. It is not important that I am not acknowledged by most Christians, except in a liturgical way. I and the Father are One. I and the Lord Christ are One, as Christ and the Father are One. This is the only recognition I ask… and require.

I come that I might guide and counsel those who needed My care. I come to those who pray, no matter what the form. I come to many who do not seek Me, even as they need My help. I am not bound by time nor space. I can give you full attention “while” I accept countless other invitations and challenges. There’s no waiting your turn with Me. I come to you in your writing style (long sentences and all), with your vocabulary and syntax… just as I was heard on that original Pentecost morning by each in his own tongue and style. I considered that a worthy idea then… and I still do.

Wind and fire are both forms of energy. I am ultimate Energy. Wind and fire are boons to humankind, but in excess they can be destructive. I have power to destroy, even as I use such sparingly. Mostly I wish to build up and nurture. Perhaps even in your lifetime you shall experience the “harnessing” of wind for its inherent energy and the benefit of humans. And fire, of course, shall continue.

In many ways I am the same today as I was yesterday, last year, in the last century, and even more than 1900 years back. In other ways I have to adapt to life as it is in the earth. I tell you that there is no conflict in being “the same” and ultimately flexible. (It’s as simple as being Three in One!) For instance, while I can love and bless each individual baby born today I cannot feel the same about an increase in human population of 250,000 on this day, as on others. Scriptures that imply My full blessing of the increase in life just have to be superceded. And this can be done with Scripture, but I offer you more understandable forms of language.

SUN., MAY 20, 1990, 6:16 AM

You remembered this anniversary, o son, but you weren’t prepared to hear Me this morning, even as you awoke early enough. So I just arranged this time, after your safe and speedy trip, and here We are, as We should be.

Your awakening this morning was a bit worrisome, but you reacted as you should. One evening of overindulgence is to be matched by 5 ½ days of aridity. Such bargains are acceptable to Me. I do not want your life shortened or your mind damaged so that you can no . . .

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