Your Profession

APRIL 10, 1980, 7:27 AM

You almost decided not to take this time, o son, but here you are, nevertheless. As you commence a strenuous convention day, hear My voice and know what I purpose for you. I have told you that it fits My purposes that you are an active, involved professional. Be open to learn more of what that means… and of what you should be doing.

Be aware of places, today, in which the question of spiritual values and, even, of My role in the future is raised. Consider how secularly the future was described in the presentation. Ponder what futures more attuned to My Will and Way would entail.

The most popular seems to be that I shall destroy the earth… or at least all those who do not follow Me. That is possible, but always remember that I created this speck in My universe as a particular kind of Garden. It still is a beautiful place, for I, like you, (and from where didst thou think it came?) prefer to look at the positive beauty rather than the trash and pollution. It can never be idyllic with all the humankind that inhabit it, but it is still a delight to Me. Still I reveal not My purposes to you or to others. Just know that I am in charge.

Another orthodox idea is that I shall eliminate all those without allegiance to Me, leaving a heaven-on-earth for you believers. That also has some intriguing merit, but there are a lot of non-believers that I love, also. The intermix of those who experience Me one way with those who see Me another is one of My continuing delights. And those without belief… many are ready to hear and to profess.

You are already a part of your profession who see health having a spiritual dimension. You are part of a yet smaller group who see My Presence as a critical factor in daily functioning and in the adaptations of life. Health is to hear My Voice. Health is to seek My Will. Health is to worship, to sing, to pray, to read My Word. From these practices come capacities achieved no other way… capacities to see the world wisely and to live life fully and joyfully. (You were dissatisfied with what you heard yourself saying to greeters last evening. Ponder this and try to make it more positive today.)

The future for you is partly what you make it to be and partly what I purpose. Remember that. Don’t fret over how much or which is yours… and Mine. There are reasons for most happenings. Just consider carefully what these are, and blend your will with Mine. A healthy partnership.

Have little concern that all do not follow your way and ways. Your profession has and will have a fragmented quality. Appreciate the diversity. Listen to others… even those whom you seem to have passed. I still listen to the observations and perceptions of many strange folk. So much more so should you. Be as much a listener as a professor. As you listen to others they become more willing to hear you.

The future that needs consideration is that in which people do for themselves and for one another… in which means are shared rather than accumulated… in which the sharing of self and substance is the essence of life. How can that come about? Only from small personal beginnings. The large system has some merit, but is not the total answer.

But health has to be seen in a wider context than the strictly personal. Health is in relationships and in interaction. Health is a means to better relationships with other people and with the earth… and also is a product therefrom. And education is, fundamentally, telling stories… learning and teaching by the stories of life. Everything important can be a parable, a poem, a song. (You have at least two songs to write. Know this.) Hear the stories of others. Share your own. Translate principles to stories. This can be part of your profession.

Do not anticipate just doing the same things you have been doing. All professions will change, and change will come as prominent professionals alter and redirect their paths… shift their story line. Perhaps some of this can help today.

As you will see, there was time for this meditation. It shall be of value to you and to some of your colleagues. Share… and hear them. I direct and yet I allow. Feel My rhythm. Build My rhythm into your stories. Feel Me in your being as you are this day.

So shall it be, o son. Your profession is, finally, Me.

8:19 AM