Your Subject Is “Drugs”

THURS., JUNE 8, 1995, 5:43 AM

Oh, I know, of course, that you call these substances that modify mood and behavior, but that would make the title too long. You say that the shorthand term is drugs, so I shall comment on the long or the short of it. You haven’t asked, but you are here…and if you should have asked…

As I have told you many times before, these substances are part of My creation…as humans are also. Humans have nervous and endocrine systems that cause and allow a range of moods and behaviors. Partly from necessity and partly out of fun I included, in the whole creation picture, a number of natural substances that stimulate, that relax and depress, and that distort and enlarge normal perceptions. I also have created a natural pharmacopea, sufficient to deal with most of human ailments. Synthetic drugs can be more powerful, but rarely are they superior to My natural creations, some of which have not yet been discovered.

You humans have learned to concentrate and make more powerful some of My natural mood modifiers, and, generally, this has created more problems rather than being improvements on Me. But I have allowed this, for this “drug scene” is an arena of spiritual growth, even as it also ruins lives and causes death and destruction. I am quite aware of these negative consequences, but I continue to tell you that I see the earth scene in quite a positive way and see more good than bad in the whole of the realm. You notice that I haven’t destroyed your “setting” yet.

I do see the harm that abuse of many of these substances cause, in part, but I also see humans making decisions and taking actions for which they will be sorry as their earth lives end…and they have to look at how they have been selfish, greedy, and thankless. Yet I see many more of you who live in good balance with these substances and, even, with those who misuse, abuse, and profit from these. Some of what you see as “damage” is also a means for some to truly grow in spirit, directly in experiencing abuse or indirectly in helping some fellow humans in need.

I led you to find and read Pierre’s story, of learning, by way of his drug-dealing younger brother, that his righteous, commendable behaviors had pushed this younger brother toward destruction. He listened. He learned. He then was of help. And so can some of your present students be.

You’re only beginning to stir reactions from these present learners. You’re laying good “ground work”, but you’ll need to work to bring forth the feelings and responses that you want to see in evidence. It won’t happen with all, but, then, you’re not that perfect teacher and guider of learning that you’d like to be. But you are good, so give it your best.

Tomorrow’s focus should be mostly on altering consciousness. Use the worship analogy, with much focus on the spiritual. Help them to see that at least some of the problems that seem to come from substance abuse are of the spirit…and that spirit is the key dimension in health. The spirit in a person, particularly when it is linked with Me, can be of great assistance in encouraging the growth of the spirit in others. And, finally, it is the health of spirit that prevents and diminishes problem behavior.

THURS., JUNE 8, 1995, 5:43 AM

Oh, I know, of course, that you call these substances that modify mood and behavior, but that would make the title too long. You say that the shorthand term is drugs, so I shall comment on the long or the short of it. You haven’t asked, but you are here...and if you should have asked...

As I have told you many times before, these substances are part of My humans are also. Humans have nervous and endocrine systems that cause and allow a range of moods and . . .

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