“Your” War

THURS., SEP. 25, 1997, 7:00 PM

In a short time, perhaps even before I finish this teaching, you will watch a video presentation on the role of Roosevelt in World War II, as it is called in your culture. This is a fitting title for your young culture, and it was probably as close to a real “World War” as I have observed, but I have seen much conflict, and it is a silly term, from My perspective.

I shall note again that Western historians and journalists focus too much on violence, conflict, and war. What I see is much more positive living, involving love, sacrifice, compassion, and comradeship. Oh, I realize that war is a way for these fine spiritual characteristics to be exhibited, honed, and developed, but I am more impressed with peaceful living.

It would be appropriate to ask, then, why I allow… or even cause… conditions that make for wars, deaths, and suffering? There are a number of realms where peace and harmony are maintained… where violent war is just not a possibility. These have some merit, but this earth scene is one I love, even as what I have taught, in more ways than you can imagine, is often countered by “evil”. I just see much spiritual growth occurring here, even in conditions that seem “unGodly”.

But hear a few observations on “your” war, in the years of your teens. You were only dimly cognizant of what was going on in Europe and in China during your childhood. War was brewing in both portions of the earth, but you were happily going to school, serving on the student council, working in the printshop, and learning to play the cornet. But you do remember the afternoon, a Sunday it was, that the radio told of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, and your country’s declaration of war.

You were still too young for military service, but you began to have experiences of some sacrifice. Yet life was still quite “normal”… football games, track meets, Comus meetings, and the year of graduation. As I have told you I began My active “choosing” of you at that time. I even “arranged” for you and Wilber being lost on the way to camp, and when you knelt and prayed to Me I said, “This is to be one of Mine”… but not yet, actively.

Since you were chosen to serve Me later in your earth life I had to exercise some protection for you, through the war, and in football and other escapades. Obviously you came through in good health and with, now, a purpose in life, which was to be more of a means than an end.

The war was of no great consequence for Me. The most interesting aspect, which you and only a few others have identified, was the Nazi persecution of My chosen people, the Jews. Millions were tortured and killed. Yet out of this came the establishment of Israel as a protected home for Jews. And the Germans have become your nation’s friends and allies, giving you some good competition, in some ways.

Your war gave you the opportunity to be in the Navy and become an officer (for a short time) and also to be a college athlete. Out of this came a short coaching career, with 6 balancing 6. All of this led on, in ways that required little of My guidance, to this place, and the career We both wanted for you.

Eighteen years ago, in May, I came to you with an invitation, which I knew you would not reject. It did not fit well with your then-current spiritual-religious life, but you had conquered other obstacles… in coaching, teaching, and your family life. We were both ready for each other.

Why didn’t I let you be in combat, knowing your nature and motivations? It just didn’t seem as important as what did happen, and it would have been more difficult to get you and Lenore together, a major factor in your life. It isn’t always easy to help form a life, with all the complications… for which I am responsible, of course.

THURS., SEP. 25, 1997, 7:00 PM

In a short time, perhaps even before I finish this teaching, you will watch a video presentation on the role of Roosevelt in World War II, as it is called in your culture. This is a fitting title for your young culture, and it was probably as close to a real “World War” as I have observed, but I have seen much conflict, and it is a silly term, from My perspective.

I shall note again that Western historians and journalists focus too much on violence, conflict, and war. What I . . .

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