You’re Beginning to See…

WED., FEB. 2, 1994, 11:26 AM

Yes, o son, enlightenment is being realized by you… and you are beginning to see your life in a broader and wider way. This shall be very satisfying to you, personally, but you also realize it will cause you to be uncomfortable with an increasing number of people. For you are seeing how I have guided your life, giving you opportunities at just the right times. Most would interpret your life events as good luck, chance, or circumstance. You are seeing it ever more clearly as My direction of your life, from your early years, even.

Fragments of a story of Vietnam action were yours to hear this morning, emphasizing again, in your own spirit, that combat experiences were not for you, in this life. Then as you walked back from the church you recalled again that decision made about you in the 2nd and 4th grades made it possible for you to play football as you did in high school and to be just at the right graduation time to spend your military career mostly in collegiate learning. All of this was precursor to your beginning and continuing a career in teaching… which you now realize was your destiny in this life, as it has been in others, in varied forms.

Oh, you know that I could have led you into teaching by a more circuitous route (and any of several would also have had merit), but I chose a more direct way, with just the right influences all through your life. And here you sit in a warm office, looking out at a beautiful winter day, with another unique teaching/learning session coming up this afternoon. You know, fully, that this is the place for you, and that you are doing exactly what you should be doing, even to the courses that are yours to organize and conduct. You are busy, but you have time for Me… and some amount of leisure.

Your teaching emphasizes balancing for best health, and you, rather naturally, have good balancing in your own life. I like and approve of the balance in your teaching approaches, which allow you to learn and profit from student experiences. Even though yours is a status position you must fill it with humility. Give to others, and you shall receive, sometimes more than you give. For another important flash of enlightenment is the meaning of “the last shall be first.” Those who don’t strive to beat out others for prestige and attainment, but humbly serve others, often shall move ahead of those whose motivations are more self-serving.

The trophy on the window ledge catches your attention (and you have pangs of regret that the other one deteriorated from lack of care), and you recall that this award that you won twice was for “spirit and scholarship.” You were pleased to receive it, but now you see that these years later you are involved in scholarship with Me, the Holy Spirit. One of your unique emphases in relation to health is the dimension called spirit. You hear Me with your spirit, and together We do a Letter each 3 months (a letter being one of My favorite ways of communicating), with some of My Teachings to you juxtaposed with your reactions and observations about these… a significant form of scholarship. So was I also responsible for you being awarded this honor, years ago, now as a symbol of what We do together?

WED., FEB. 2, 1994, 11:26 AM

Yes, o son, enlightenment is being realized by you… and you are beginning to see your life in a broader and wider way. This shall be very satisfying to you, personally, but you also realize it will cause you to be uncomfortable with an increasing number of people. For you are seeing how I have guided your life, giving you opportunities at just the right times. Most would interpret your life events as good luck, chance, or circumstance. You are seeing it ever more clearly as My direction of your . . .

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